Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 21 - 30 of 38 Articles

The ghosts of depression in us all

I want you to think about your friends, coworkers, family, all of the people you walk past every day at the store. See those people? It is very possible at least one of you is suffering from depression. Did you know that 8.4% United States adults have been diagnosed with depression (NIMH, 2020)? Now think about all of those that have depression and do not get treated or diagnosed. Depression and mental health disorders are not like physical illnesses that can be visible. Depression episodes I have been working through several areas of my life all at the same time. …

Too much in life making you numb

You ever get those days that it feels like everything is coming down on you? So much going on at work, too much at school, overwhelming family life, and then add relationships on top of all of that. Too many thoughts. Way too many feelings. And all you can do is take one step in front of the other like a robot through your life. You suddenly feel numb. Not really sad, or happy, or even…well anything. Just a robot I’ve had too many robotic days in my life. Each day blended into the other. Thoughts in my head swarmed …

Coping with Grief in Your Life

That intense feeling you have from the loss of something special or that that one person that meant the world to you that is now missing from your life, that is grief. What is grief? Grief is an emotion we all experience. What is different, is how we cope with grief. Emotions of Grief The last few days have been a myriad of emotions for me. Beginning with the anxiety I experienced while driving from Arizona to California. Because the cusp of all my emotions came forward this past Saturday, when my Dad had passed away. The opportunity to have …

How do you like to be comforted?

I have been talking about reaching out to your loved ones and making sure they know you care. Even discussed about ways to care for yourself. But how about ways to comfort those that are struggling? What is comfort and how do you comfort your friends? Comforting a friend Your best friend comes to you crying because her boyfriend just broke up with her while degrading her. How would you handle a situation like this? Let me tell you how I would. (This is just how I would. I am not implying this is the best or only way to …

We All React, Do You Know How to Respond?

We have all had times of someone reacting without thinking. I mean, just drive down the street for a few minutes and you will find more. But, right now I am focusing on more personal times. I have come across a few times just in the last few weeks, witnessing friends receiving reaction from others without thinking first. One of those times was at work. Why react at all Not going into too many details, a person unknown to my coworker replied in such a hurtful way to a message that was not really directed to that person. Many found …

Does your anxiety control you?

I just got back from a recent trip to visit family in California and Idaho for the holiday. During this trip, I found myself consciously avoiding certain areas of my life due to my anxieties. One of the bigger ones that I fight is my need to have control of everything around me. What do I mean? I had to have my sister-in-law and niece take me to the airport in California to return home and as she drove, my fear built up because I did not have control of the vehicle. The constant need to hold my breath, close …

What if…I overcome my doubt

Two words that have the opportunity to bring heartache, stress, and despair. Just two small words that can also bring new ideas, change, and hope. How can these two words be so powerful? You are faced with a decision that is too big to make on a whim, when your friend says, “yeah, but what if…” Those words break open a new way of thinking. And sometimes, that way of thinking can lead to uncertainty. DOUBT Your boss comes up to you with a new project that will be presented in front of the owners of the company. They asked …

Are you getting too comfortable with comfort food?

A container of ice cream with a big spoon, a helping of chocolate fudge cake, or gooey cheese pizza full of your favorite toppings. How about a glass of wine, a cup of tea, or a tumbler of your favorite alcoholic drink? A plate of cheesy mac n’ cheese, a bowl full of spicy wings, or a platter of seafood placed in front of you. Do I have your mouth watering yet? How does all of these foods and drinks make you feel? How comfortable are you really when you indulge in comfort food? What is comfort food You have …

Through the looking glass at the other side

As the saying goes, there is always two sides to a story. Someone is struggling and suffering through life as we know it. Wondering if there will ever be a day where there is no pain, when they can feel happy, at least feel as if they are loved by someone. Walking through each day seeing no light at the end of the tunnel. Thinking that there is no other way for them to go on. Two stories But that story also includes all the people that have once touched this person’s life. The family members that could lose a …

Can you tell if someone needs help?

Look at the people around you. At their faces and the way they carry their body. Which ones are smiling, with a look of happiness? What about those that are not smiling? Are they sad, angry, or just a content expression? Can you tell which ones may be in need of help? Ones that are sad, depressed, lost, or that they may consider something drastic? You may be surprised on what you find. Can you tell? I go to work and talk with my coworkers with a cheerful tone and a smile on my face (most of the time.) Do …