Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Did you know it really is okay?

Every day we go through our lives of work, home, school, family, friends, responsibilities, and for some reason we tend to forget the one thing that is most important…ourselves. Over my life I have fought against the lows of depression and anxiety. I even danced in the highs of just feeling happy. We will be faced with decisions and stress so many times, we cannot forget that there are positive times in life. Did you know it is okay to feel happy? And it is okay to not be okay?

Growing up

When I was younger, I remember times that I felt so good. I would laugh and smile at everything. Since I love music so much, I would dance every chance I had. It was a time in my life to feel free and happy. And all of those times, many people would laugh with me. They would smile because of me. It felt so good. I made sure I enjoyed every second of those days.

Remembering when

When was the last time you felt good? How long ago was it? When you felt good, did you sit and feel it for a while, or…I have known quite a few people that begin to get very anxious when they feel good. The sudden worry of what terrible thing is going to happen based on how good I feel. So, without having the chance to really enjoy the feeling, the happiness is short-lived.


Although this is not a classified mental disorder, the anxiety built from “cherophobia” is. A person that has lived a life of anxiety and depression, knows few experiences of happiness may find themselves more comfortable in despair. The fear of being happy, as if they would be punished for feeling this way. Did you know it was okay to feel happy?


While I am writing, I wonder if it is more of a form of PTSD. The response of being in a set mental state for a long period of time can make a person alter their reality. As if feeling this one way for so long must mean it is the way it should be. And now any other form of reality or feeling is too foreign to understand. Then they become scared of this new life in front of them. Leaving the fear of an unknown trouble that must be coming.

Really Okay

We will have good days and bad days. Days where everything seems to be in our favor. And then there will be days that nothing goes right. No matter what day you are facing, please realize that it is okay to feel good AND bad. You will be okay to be happy and you will be okay to feel sad. The idea is that however we are feeling, we need to continue to work on ourselves. Push ourselves to feel good more often. Teach ourselves to love what we see in the mirror. Believe in ourselves. And remind us that it is okay. Okay to feel happy once and a while. Okay that we may not feel okay today.

Keep moving forward. You are worth it!

Enjoy this video.

With great warmth,

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