Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

These past few days have been difficult for me. But when I was able to get out from under them, they became a lesson. We struggle getting through some days. But if we take the time, they can be the lesson we didn’t know we needed. I had someone ask me if I wished to go back in time to do things differently. Sure. Most of us have things in our past we would love to have done differently if we had the chance. But the thing is, if we didn’t make those decisions back then, we wouldn’t be the people are today.

Learning from Past

This new job I started in May, I have been having a lot of fun at. I find myself laughing and wanting to go to work. The people are great, supportive, and best of all, I feel like I am making a difference. But I remember finding this company struggling to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I was constantly feeling that I wasn’t good enough to go after certain jobs. Even after I interviewed for this job, I would think that I was over my head and not good enough. That I would be a failure. But instead, I ignored those thoughts and tried. Only to find out that I discovered a job I love.

Moving Forward with Friends

I have people in my life today that are very special to me. These people I care so deeply for, have also had their share of trials in their lives. But it was those decisions they made that shaped them into who they are today. Developed them into the people that I love. And they ask themselves “what was I thinking back then” every day. They remember the times they are not very proud of. But it was also the times they learned the most.

One of the most important thing we need to learn in life is to respect. Respecting the fact that so many of us have struggles and trials we are facing every day. Understanding that we cannot always control how we act around others, we try. Seeing that we all need just a hug or someone to tell us “It is okay”.

Who I am Today

At work this past week, I had a situation come up that made me extremely mad. But my anger was more about how I felt that I may have just disappointed my boss. The usual, “I should’ve known better” feeling. I was upset because I respect my boss very much and I do not want to let him down. The anger lasted overnight and until the next morning, until I was able to talk to him. And of course, there was no worry at all needed. It was that day when I learned more about myself.

Becoming more

Those that really know me understand that I am a very patient person. Some have called me a saint knowing everything I deal with daily. I have no issues sitting with someone and teaching them. Taking the time to make sure they understand everything. Stopping so they can ask questions and comprehend what is being told. And many of those people don’t think I have a point where my patience runs out.

Constant Learning

There was a time about a month or two ago that I found my mind and body running on what felt like an autopilot. I couldn’t make myself care about anything that was in front of me. It felt as if I had shut down. That I was at my break point with everything I dealt with. It took me about 5 days to really find my way back.

What the future brings

We all face life in ways that test us. Days that can be very difficult to handle. Weeks that can brighten your life. Struggles that can humble the strongest. Dreams that give any adult stars in their eyes. How we face each moment in our life shapes us for tomorrow. Whether you stand your ground against adversity or offer sympathy to another, each step forges a new path. Who we are today is based on how we lived in the past. But how we are today will mold who we are tomorrow. And as always, the first step to a brighter future is to start by loving ourselves.

Enjoy this video.

With great warmth,

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