Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

What if…I overcome my doubt

Two words that have the opportunity to bring heartache, stress, and despair. Just two small words that can also bring new ideas, change, and hope. How can these two words be so powerful? You are faced with a decision that is too big to make on a whim, when your friend says, “yeah, but what if…” Those words break open a new way of thinking. And sometimes, that way of thinking can lead to uncertainty.


Your boss comes up to you with a new project that will be presented in front of the owners of the company. They asked if you want to take charge of the project. You are excited…until those “what if’s” come through. “What if I cannot get the project done in time?” Or one that comes through me most times, “What if they don’t like what I do?” This doubt pouring in now can stop you cold. Suddenly, you are second-guessing every move and decision you face.


You are faced with a decision of staying in town with your current job you kind of like, but your family is all close by. Or you have a chance to move away to another state for a job you really want and pays more, but no family or friends nearby. Then a friend comes by and says, “what if you stayed in town and started your own business, liked you wanted to do?” The idea of something new and fresh comes into your mind, flooding with possibilities.

Just two little words that have the power to affect your emotions and thoughts. Ideas of new experiences or out-of-the box thinking. Or of fear, anxiety, and a path to depression. That’s just it. We have a choice. A chance to think about other ideas that might excite us or scare us. The hard part is working to block out the doubt and thrive on the excitement.


Doubt is a deep hole that is easy to fall into. It lives in all of us at some level. Doubt can be useful in pushing us out of our element, to succeed. But doubt has a way to hold us back. Bringing the fear and anxiety of doing something wrong. The problem, it doesn’t take much to bring doubt forward. It will then thrive on the “what if’s” that plague our mind. At work, I had to decide on some information for a tenant and whether or not they should know about it. After relaying the information, I was informed I made the wrong choice in how I informed them. That action opened the door for my doubt thereafter. Now, if I am asked to talk to a tenant, I hear “what if I say the wrong thing again?” in my head. That fear has now gained strength and keeps me from completing my tasks.


Over the years, I have seen the pattern of my doubt and “what if’s” in my life. I chose to push away from my doubt and use these thoughts to my advantage. Now, if I am given a task where doubt creeps in, I find a way to work with it. If I am at a point of doubt creeping in my mind and the “what if’s” start to pile on, I start to answer them.

What if I do it wrong?” So, what is the worst that can happen?

But what if he/she doesn’t like me?” They are one of millions of people. Besides, what if they do?

What if I can’t do it?” Have you tried before? If you can’t do it, try again or push harder.


We move throughout our life on the strength inside of us. Doubt and “what if” will always push against that strength. Our choice…are we stronger than doubt? Because the only person that has any control in your life, is you. You have the strength to be able to pick yourself up again and try harder. The strength to push through the what if thoughts and find new ways to accomplish our goals.

With great warmth,

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