Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Can technology help them?

If you are in your 40’s or older, you remember a world without computers. Growing up with playing outside all of the time. Sharing one phone with your family. If you wanted talk to someone, you had to actually talk to them, or hand write a letter. It was the actions of your friends and family that proved to you their feelings for you. But this is not that world anymore. When computers and the internet were started, I don’t believe they had any idea as to how much they changed the world. Because now the younger generations are suffering …

A Personal Battle of an Anxious Mind

So last week I started talking about what my typical day would be like. By the time I reached leaving the house to go to work, I was exhausted. My mornings are full of thoughts, anxiety, and stress. The afternoons are full of good times and stressful times. By the time the evenings are here, I look for ways to relax, if I can. But usually, it is not until everyone is asleep that I get a chance to breathe. For me, every day is a challenge. And it is not just the people around me that add to the …

It is a battle of the mind

Lately, I have been more vocal about mental health and how everyone experiences life differently. And it is interesting to watch those that do not much about mental health and depression try to understand what I am talking about. I mean we interact with people all day long. Many of these people are either working on healing or trying to survive. If they are not, then they are close with someone who is. And yet, there are still so many that do not understand what our lives are like. Because it is not like others. This is my life. Diagnosis …

It can be too toxic to tango in life

You are sitting there, minding your own business, trying to stay out of your head. All you want to do is work on staying calm and finding some peace in your life. But there comes someone that has a domineering personality, only has a negative point of view on life, and they want to tell you all about it. Suddenly you can feel the added anxiety. The build up of negativity all around you. As one would classify it, this person has become toxic. Self Love In my research and the general search as I work on my own self-love, …

Do as I say not as I do

I had a very nice chat with my family today. Enjoyed some lunch with my niece and had a chance to catch up in each other’s lives. But there was something she said that reminded me of something. We have all heard the phrase, “Do as I say not as I do.” I think even my parents used it on me as a child. I know I have to my son. But my niece made a comment about wondering if she should have stayed with her previous job even though it was a toxic environment for her. This reminded me …

Is there something wrong with perfect

Had a chat with my therapist this week as we dived a little deeper into my thoughts. Trying to find any kind of rhyme or reason for why I would think the way I do or worry about everything so easily. Every day I find a way to dissect the reasons why something happened or didn’t happen. Always ending up in arguments with myself because I know better. And then it hit me. Suddenly I started thinking, “what is wrong with me?” Arguing, “why do I do this?” Is there something wrong with me? The start As we all work …

Advice from the outside looking in

As I have been working through so many things in my life, I find myself struggling. This struggle is very frustrating, not just to me, but to those that love and care about me. Because I struggle to take advice. Yup, that’s it. I can listen to what my friends and family tell me I should do or not do all day long. But when I am at a point to make the decision, I just can’t seem to do it. And I couldn’t understand why…until recently. Wake up advice My wake-up call about my life was actually a phone …

Surviving Motherhood One Meltdown at a Time

They are little bodies of energy. Curious minds full of questions about everything. Testing limits and seeing no barriers. We were once these creatures. And many of us have our own set of little beings. These creatures are our children. So young and pure. Simple minds trying to figure out how the world is made. So how can someone so young be faced with mental health issues? We as adults have a hard enough time. How can we help our children? The Age When I went online to research the youngest mental health case, the number of sites that came …

It Is The Black Hole of Addictions

It is in the need. The intense drive for more. The desperation of getting away. The thought that this will take all of the stress away. How easy it is for any one person to fall into an addiction. How many times have you heard a friend or coworker make the comment, “I am going to need a drink to get over today.” It was recently that I realized how much I was saying that. How I was starting to think that having a glass of wine, or glass of my favorite vodka would make me feel better. So easy …

The Mind Power Of Fear

What are you afraid of? If you were to search online the list of phobias that have been classified, you will find lists of Top 100 Most Common Phobias. But look further and there are actually over 500 classified phobias, from the rarest to the most common. And new phobias are created every day. However, no matter what you are afraid of, there may be a time you will need to face your fear. (Side note: I am not talking about fear of things that you are allergic to.) Because ultimately, the more effort you put into avoiding the fear, …