Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

How my life stepped forward only to trigger back

This past week I have dealt with being sick with COVID, changes at work, the family getting sick, and changes in vacation plans. And even with all of that, I have been trying to keep focusing on myself. But I Tuesday night, something strange happened. I had a trigger out of the blue. How do I know? Because suddenly my mind shifted. Nothing was right. Nothing was good. My mind went from everything being good, to everything being dark. It was that quick. That easy. I fell. The good parts My life has been turning around lately. I love my …

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow in One Person

These past few days have been difficult for me. But when I was able to get out from under them, they became a lesson. We struggle getting through some days. But if we take the time, they can be the lesson we didn’t know we needed. I had someone ask me if I wished to go back in time to do things differently. Sure. Most of us have things in our past we would love to have done differently if we had the chance. But the thing is, if we didn’t make those decisions back then, we wouldn’t be the …

How to spot a bully

Unfortunately, in today’s world, bullying is still evident. This past week, my son was a victim of bullying by a few kids at his school. When he told me about it, I immediately sent a message to the principal stating the situation. I then sat my son down to discuss the event and some of the steps he can take to fight back against bullying, well that don’t involve fists. The school addressed the issue and assured both myself and my son that there should be no further incidents. This whole scenario had me thinking about how bullying is not …

I doubt you can doubt more than me

This week was a test of mental stability for sure. Well, for me it was. I have been with my company for only about 4 months now. The people are so nice, and I can see many of them really care about each other. I look around and see people working hard, laughing, and casual conversations. It is a pleasant experience each day. And for 4 months, I have had a really good time here. But this week really tried me and my mental health. And suddenly, my own self doubt found a way to creep back in. Creeping back …

Did you know it really is okay?

Every day we go through our lives of work, home, school, family, friends, responsibilities, and for some reason we tend to forget the one thing that is most important…ourselves. Over my life I have fought against the lows of depression and anxiety. I even danced in the highs of just feeling happy. We will be faced with decisions and stress so many times, we cannot forget that there are positive times in life. Did you know it is okay to feel happy? And it is okay to not be okay? Growing up When I was younger, I remember times that …

Star light, star bright, do not burn out tonight

There are days that I can laugh and joke with my friends. And then there are days that I want to hide away from the world. What gets me through my dark days are pieces of memories that I hold tight. Comments from friends. Reactions from family. Simple actions from loved ones. Every day I fight, and I choose to see life in a lighter form. Each day I push to not let life and stress tear me down. I have seen what my life looked like at the bottom. And I refuse to let my star shine burnout. Memories …

Tiredly Racing to Burn Out

Sometimes life just doesn’t go your way. Earlier this month I was feeling good. Things were going the right way I was feeling happier. I was feeling proud of myself and powerful. But things suddenly changed. Now lately, I feel overwhelmed. Days start to blend together. Just walking around on autopilot. How could my good feelings just disappear? Why can’t I just be happy? Just feel so tired and burned out. Identifying A friend reached out to me, checking to see how I was doing. I had also reached out to my therapist about this feeling. I was worried that …

Hiding in a Box of Emotions

I was talking with my friends lately about how they handle situations in their life. I was wondering because they seem to be so calm even when they are frustrated or faced with questions. How do you get through each day when you are faced with so much? Struggles and irritations at work wear you down. Maybe home life is not as perfect as you want it to be. If you are like me and start to feel like taking a break from life, how do you get through the day? What keeps you moving forward? Do you box it …

It is a Symptom of Being Human

I have been reminiscing lately about my life. Thinking about everything I have experienced and how it has shaped my life as it is today. My son was having an emotional episode lately and asked me “Mom, why am I here?” and “Why am I the way I am?” These questions are not easy to answer. Because there are so many ways to answer them. But it was these questions that made me think. I have been trying for so long to figure out my place in this world. To understand why I was in this world. How do I …

What really is the true cause and affect

I am sitting here listening to the thunder outside wondering to myself, why can’t I just “flip a switch” inside of me and be happy for once? There are days that I just don’t want to be around anyone. Like it would feel so wonderful if I could pause everything in my life just to get a breather. And there are days when feel light and giddy. It is those days I feel powerful and proud. Why can’t I have more of those days? What happened that made me see life so differently? If this is my effect, what was …