Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Why do I have the desire to change on New Years?

Today is New Years Day. The 1st day of January and the 1st day of the 2025 year. Ever wonder why humans have this overwhelming need or desire to make changes on this day? Resolutions are made, goals for the year are decided on, and gym memberships are purchased. Why are we only looking at our lives on this day and no other? The need for a fresh start all on one day. New I used today to do nothing. I didn’t want to clean or cook. I relaxed all day. Which left me a lot of time to think. …

I am Celebrating Just Surviving

The Christmas holiday has come and gone now in the United States. And as I found myself struggling to be in the spirit of the season, I did have a moment to reflect. The year is coming to an end next week. And so much has happened in my life, that I took a moment to myself and celebrated surviving. Reflection This year I found myself finally able to change my career direction. Although it was not the original direction I was looking at, but it became the direction that I was best suited for. A place that I found …

Tis the Season Full of Worry

Here in the United States, the Christmas season is upon us. The stores are open until late at night. Music is played wherever you go. And lights are decorating the houses along the street. But this year I have been struggling, like some of you, to really be in the Christmas spirit. How easily does a holiday, the weather, and our environment affect our mental health? Twas the night before Your environment is a big player for your mental health. If you find yourself in a place that is noisy, chaotic, and stressful, your mind does not have a safe …

Around the World Seasons Change

As you are sitting at your computer or scrolling through your phone, stop for a second and look outside and at the sky. I have many readers around the world. I know some from India, China, United Kingdom and even Africa are reading this blog. Here in the United States, several across the country are reading this. So, when each one of you takes a minute and looks outside at the sky, what do you see? Are you somewhere the sun always shines, and the temperatures are just, right? Or are you looking at cloud filled skies ready for rain …

What it is like to accept help

It was going so well too. I was feeling better. Even laughing more. That was until it all fell apart. As if someone came up to me and just “POP!” of my happy little balloon. It wasn’t one thing, but a series of events that found me at the bottom. Add in the emotional roller coaster of menopause and the fire was lit. Just two weeks ago, my mental state came crashing down. So why did it take me 2 weeks to call my therapist? When you find yourself crying every night, or trying to paint a mask each day, …

Grateful for it all, each blessing

The holidays are here once more. Thanksgiving in America is today. Many of us spend time in the kitchen preparing family traditions waiting for everyone to join together. Others are visiting with friends and distant family. Yet, a few that are working to help others get through their day easier. Thankful I had a friend from Mexico ask me about Thanksgiving. He saw it as just another way to have a family reunion. Now corporations have been commercializing the holidays so much lately that true family traditions are beginning to fade. But Thanksgiving is more than just a reunion. More …

The fear of overcoming fears

Since I started working on myself and researching mental health, my insecurities have been very evident to me. The fear of not being liked has me holding back. Preventing me from being who I want to be. And it wasn’t until recently when a friend pushed me to voice my fear that I realized how bad it was. I knew my insecurities were an issue. And I knew that it was becoming an issue with me and my friends. But when you are faced with it, a new fear surfaces. The fear of overcoming your own fears. Comfort Zone For …

You are the beautiful needle in the haystack

I was trying to figure out what I was going to write about this week. So, I sat here and played my game on my phone for a little bit, when it hit me. Loneliness. I had a friend on my game say they were lonely. Even with all of these other players, he was lonely. Then I started thinking about me and realizing that I have friends near me and friends that are far away. I have family near me and family that is far away. All of these people love and care about me. But I sit here …

Learn when to hold them and when to fold them

I have been playing a game online with many people from all over the world. Recently we had a fight on the game that had many people breaking trust and fighting within their groups. Emotions ran high for everyone. Some people felt the stress was too much and left the game. I was almost one of them. But I found in trying to build back from this fight, that there is a time in which you fight and a time in which you stop and move on. When you hold onto your drive for more, and when you fold up …

Just a Little Piece of Candy for You

Today is Halloween in the US. A day for kids to walk around in costumes of various styles and ask for candy. I sit here watching the families walking by as I hand out the candy and think about all of these people in this world. What could their life be like? Are they happy? To imagine everyone in this world having different experiences and living different lives. And each one pushing through, trying to find their happiness. We walk around in our little bubbles not realizing that someone is also going through something. What would this world be like …