Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 1 - 10 of 38 Articles

When words fail you

Did you ever have a day that felt like every emotion was running through your body? So many emotions and thoughts that you almost run on autopilot? Friends and family see a physical change in you. Everyone is asking you if you are okay. But you are so absorbed that there are no words to properly describe what is really going on. When words are just not enough for you, the result becomes, “I’m fine.” Too many emotions We all go through stressful times in our lives. Some of us are trying to heal through past trauma. Others are directly …

They are not all Bad Days

I had an incident at the office today that made me think more about myself and others. This morning I came up to my security officer watching him ask some contractors to move their vehicles and park where they were supposed to. But one of the contractors immediately gave him attitude. When I walked over to him, I was met with the same hostile attitude. This was first thing in the morning as I had just arrived at the office. When I had a chance to think about what had happened, I couldn’t help but ask myself, “what could have …

Do you know what it is like?

I wanted to give you another glimpse of what it is like to be me. Well, to help some of you try to understand what we go through when we are trying to heal. There are some people I do not share my troubles with, because I know I will get something like, “well you just need to do this” or “why did you do that?” Being someone that has depression, anxiety, PTSD, and is actively trying to heal from everything I have and am going through, it is definitely much easier ‘said than done’. Want to know what it …

How to help those who fight back

We all go through so much in our lives. But add in family and friends that are also going through things, your day can go from pleasant to frustrating very quickly. Picture this, you are a parent of a teenager. We all know that kids at teen age can go from super happy to in tears within seconds. But as a parent we want to help our children. So, you ask, is there anything wrong? By the way they say ‘no’, you immediately know there is something wrong. They won’t open up. Very adamant that there is nothing wrong. You …

Triggers can make you realize more about yourself

Life has been testing me every day. Testing my resolve and my patience. Trying to get me to break down from frustration or sadness. So far, I have been pushing back every chance I get. But recently, I discovered something about myself. I have a new fight on my hands. A fight against reality and the triggers of my mind. Triggers of the past I have dealt with people avoiding me. The whispers and glares in my direction. Constantly being ignored. I fought against the mind game of thinking I was not good enough. Until recently when I recognized that …

Hey kids! Surprise! Parents are not superheroes!

They are small little things. Watching your every move. Picking up on your every word. Even seeing how you react. These little creatures are our pride and joy. Giving us hugs and kisses. Filled with those big soulful eyes that we melt to. We provide for them. Make sure they are clean, have food, happy, and always learning. But we forget that one piece. Those little eyes and ears see everything. You have a bad day at work, they feel your frustration. Breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend, they see the tears. They even hear the late-night crying. Picking up …

Never easy to understand grief

I came across an article from PsychCentral that was titled “9 Different Types of Grief”. I had not even read the article, and the title alone opened a flood of emotions. Grief is something we all go through many times in our lives. But do we really understand grief and how we are able to cope through it? Honestly, I thought I did. Until last year. When I was made aware of grief I had not even considered. Defining Grief When you hear the word “grief”, many think of the loss of a loved one. Whether family or friend. That …

Carry your legacy through footprints of life

The year is getting closer to closing out. A few years ago, I decided to start work on myself and my mental health. This year has come with some of my greatest challenges and struggles with a few accomplishments tossed in. The weight of the world kept rushing in to try to stop me. But each day I still got out of bed. I went into work. Finished my schoolwork. And then continued to take care of my family. So many friends and family telling me about how strong I was. Yet, constantly feeling weak. What do I want to …

Understanding depression a little better.

It doesn’t matter if you are young, old, male, female, or what race you are. Depression can find its way into your life. But it is, like everything else we encounter, how we handle, embrace, or ignore our depression or someone else’s. I was about to write that there is no right or wrong way to handle depression, but that is not entirely true. However, there are positive and negative ways. That is what will determine the end result. Depression Types Depression does not just hit when you experience something that makes you sad. There are several types of depression. …

Choose you, choose now

We all have one of those days where the emotions tend to boil over. A day or two that the frustration is high and there seems to be no end in sight. Maybe a time that you just want to hide, scream, or cry. Yeah, we all have one of those days. I know because I am trying to get through one now. Where I just want to walk away and give up, kind of days. Choose to keep going How many times have we been here, trying to get through the day? Some of us feel that these days …