Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

It’s a New Day, New Week, New Month, New Year!

In just a few days, the year of 2023 will come to an end and 2024 will begin. This is the time when people start reflecting on the past year, or the past couple of years, trying to set some goals or aspirations for the next year. The ugly term of “resolutions” will be tossed around like confetti in many conversations. But for me, I have a different outlook. I plan on setting ambitions, dreams, and desires. For the past 2 years I have been working on me and in 2024, I have a new day, a new week, a …

Wishing you a special Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring…just the thousands of thoughts in my head. Many people around the world will be celebrating the holiday of Christmas this weekend. Whether you have family and friends coming to you, or you will be traveling to see them, Christmas is a time of magic and togetherness. With every event, the good always has some struggle with it. So many of us will be faced with frustrations, hurt, loneliness, and exhaustion. In all of the hurry, remember to take a little time for you. True feeling …

Tis the holiday to reach out

It is that time of the year. The season of holidays, celebrations, remembrance, and being together. Personally, it is my favorite time of the year. But it is also one of my most difficult times of the year. With all of the prep, planning, coordinating, decorating, and expectations, the time becomes more daunting than joyful. And for far too many, this is a very lonely time of year as well. Lost loved ones, not having friends and family nearby, or have not found the special person yet. Then there are the few of us that have everyone around us and …

I need to Find the Fight Within

Recently I was able to have a few conversations with some close friends. In two separate occasions, I was faced with the challenge of looking deeper into my own actions, thoughts, and emotions. Having someone from the outside of your immediate life, with their own questions on how people think, makes a person question their own thoughts. I was asked how I could not believe that I was beautiful and attractive? Why did I struggle with this so much? Why do I still feel like I am not enough? The Past Growing up, I was faced with constant reminders that …

Sometimes you just need a friend

Over the last few days, I have had the chance to talk to a few of my friends. Just getting the chance to hear from them, laugh a little and talk about a few things we are going through, I had a sense that I could get through another day. We all have stress. And now that the holidays are near, the stress is amplified. But sometimes, you just need that one person you trust to get through the day. That person or people that understand a little of what you go through. Sometimes, you just need a friend to …

What are you grateful for?

Today we are celebrating Thanksgiving here in the United States. I was talking to my son this morning about the day and when I told him that Thanksgiving is about mental health, he was ready to argue with me. Yes, I know the history behind Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims and all of that. But hear me out. Today at dinner we went around the table and said what we were grateful for. It is at that time we identify the pieces in our life that bring elements of positivity. Think about it. What are you grateful for? Grateful For Family …

You just never know who needs help

I wanted to share an experience with you that affected me very deeply. I have been writing this blog now for three years. Every week I hope that what I write about is helping someone. Even if it is just for you to know that you are not alone in this world. The world of mental health is much larger, and it doesn’t help that it still fights against a stigma that started hundreds of years ago. Occasionally, I might hear from someone that what I have written about has touched them, but the other day, all of this work …

Faking it to make it…look normal

We have all heard the phrase at least once in our lives. “Fake it till you make it!” To pretend to be something or do something to get the reward you really want. To use this as a motivation or to use this as a way to hide. How many of us have told someone that we can do a task, only you actually don’t know how to? How many of us have been asked to act or look a certain way, only to impress others? Who has used this statement to hide behind true emotions so that we don’t …

How about just one more worry

Anxiety is the world’s most common mental health disorder according to the World Health Organization. Anxiety has multiple elements that can be defined. For example, PTSD, sensory anxiety, phobias, and social anxiety disorder are just a few types of anxiety. But what I wanted to talk about is more regarding the person dealing with the anxiety and the people in their lives. Because what many of us don’t realize is that we have these main triggers, but it can also be the people and the environment around us that adds to our anxiety. It is as if life is saying, …

The difference between being alone and feeling alone

There are many types of personalities in the world. But many of us can be characterized by either an extrovert or an introvert. Extroverts are ones that you can find easily since many of them stand out in a crowd. They love to socialize and be around people. More outgoing and engaging with others, makes them a focal point of the group. But introverts are more of the opposite. The desire to be alone and have a quieter approach to gatherings. No matter who you are or what you like to do, loneliness impacts everyone. For some the need to …