You are sitting there watching a scary movie on TV that you have seen before. You just know that any moment that critical part of the bad guy jumping out to take the character away is just seconds away. Knowing that this screen always gives you nightmares, you decide to fast forward the movie just to get past it. Ever wish you could control your life that way too? I know I have. So many times, I wanted to hit the pause button or even the stop button for a little while. What would you do if your life had …
Are you Attached to the Trauma Bond
It wasn’t until recently that I was able to recognize not only what others were putting me through, but my own actions were holding me there. Part of any healing process is not only understanding what brought you to your mind frame now, but also to understand what your own actions are doing in holding you there. In many cases of depression and anxiety, a bond is formed to unhealthy situations and people. The person attaches to something that they experienced some form pleasure and happiness from. The problem is that this attachment is toxic and holds them down from …
Pain, Pain, Go Away, Come Back Another Day
Ever hear the nursery rhyme “Rain, Rain, Go Away”? The idea that a gloomy day is not what you want. To bring back the sun and brighten up the day. This idea is one that many of us feel constantly. I have been happier lately. Smiling more, dancing in my car, even laughing more. But it doesn’t take much to bring my thoughts down. A simple comment can bring the rainy day back into my life. Still Working I have been working very hard to get my life into some sort of order. Friendships are brightening my day. Work has …
How I fight with life every day
Ever look at your friends and watch them laugh and dance? They really look like they are having a good time. Almost like they do not have a care in the world. You might even wish you were more like them. Thinking that they have an easy life. But you are probably wrong. Too many times, those smiles are hiding the dark they hold. All the worry and fear that keep them up at night. All the frustration and sadness they face daily. Just because they are happy now, doesn’t mean they are not still fighting every day. One Piece …
Do or do not, there is no try! Or is there?
Ever wake up and wish you were on that galaxy far, far, away? Wondering why life has to be so hard? If you are like me, you have been battling for decades. Tired of fighting all of the time. Wanting to push the pause button on the remote control of life. But instead, we wake up each day to a new morning. Trying to figure out how the day is going to treat you today. Every day life is going to bring you a new challenge. The choice is how you are going to face it. Try to ignore and …
Learning how to Understand who am I
As we all grow up from our childhood, we are excited with new independence and the desire to do more in life. It is typically around the 20’s and 30’s years of age that we are trying to figure out what we want to do with our lives. (For some of us, it takes a little longer.) Trying to determine what career path, loves and likes in relationships, and style of our personality. It is an ever-growing process as we get older and move through life. But for me, it is a struggle. Because, as I get closer to my …
Do you know what you have to let go
I mentioned last week that I was blessed with getting a new job. After two years of searching, trying to figure out what I wanted and what I was good at. I finally said goodbye to my former employer and hello to a new adventure. It has been an eye-opening week too. Because I couldn’t help comparing my last company to this one. And that was when I realized what I had finally let go of. Let it be gone I am sure you have heard the phrase, “you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.” This is true. …
You don’t know it is special until it’s gone
Well, it is finally here. There is only one day left for me and then no more. I have been busy saying my goodbyes to everyone that has meant so much to me. But this chapter is coming to a close. Just one last day with my current job and then off to another. My last day of work is here, and a new career is ahead of me. This past week I have been reaching out to everyone I had the opportunity to work with to bid them a heartfelt farewell. Realizing that it is not only my career …
Can technology help them?
If you are in your 40’s or older, you remember a world without computers. Growing up with playing outside all of the time. Sharing one phone with your family. If you wanted talk to someone, you had to actually talk to them, or hand write a letter. It was the actions of your friends and family that proved to you their feelings for you. But this is not that world anymore. When computers and the internet were started, I don’t believe they had any idea as to how much they changed the world. Because now the younger generations are suffering …
A Personal Battle of an Anxious Mind
So last week I started talking about what my typical day would be like. By the time I reached leaving the house to go to work, I was exhausted. My mornings are full of thoughts, anxiety, and stress. The afternoons are full of good times and stressful times. By the time the evenings are here, I look for ways to relax, if I can. But usually, it is not until everyone is asleep that I get a chance to breathe. For me, every day is a challenge. And it is not just the people around me that add to the …