Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

It is in the understanding of the beholder

I had an interesting conversation with my mom recently. We talk just about every day. Most of the time it is on my way home from work to help me get through the long commute home. A chance to wind down from the day, bounce ideas off of her, and ultimately, a chance to vent about some of the things going on in my life. This latest conversation reminded me that there are many people in the world that do not understand what some of us live through each day. And that, right there, is why so many of us …

A mixed bag full of opinions

You have probably heard of the phrase, “opinions are like (insert a body part here), everyone has one…” (well, you get the picture.) With the way the world continues to evolve and how people are using their thoughts these days, I would like to change that phrase. To me it is more like, “opinions are like a bag of seeds. Not everyone has one, but it is what kind you have and what you do with it that matters.” It doesn’t matter who you are or what you look like, opinions can make the garden beautiful, or they can grow …

A deeper look at resentment

Ever hear something just in passing only to have it constantly replay in your mind for days or weeks after? Some have called this “earworms”. Most of us have a song stuck in our heads over and over. Probably from a commercial or a social media post. For me, it is quotes. And this one I cannot stop thinking about it. I came across a social media video where someone stated, “people tend to resent others because they are doing something that we do not feel we are allowed to do.” Think about that for a minute. Not just one-sided …

Hiding in a world of uncertainty

The world today has given us so many ways to worry. Whether it is about money for our families, having a job to go to, or even our general livelihood. It seems it has been questioned, tested, negotiated and decided on without our knowledge. And to add to the worry, we have our families, our children, our loved ones, and especially ourselves to care for every day. How can anyone even consider living a peaceful life with all of this around us? Is a peaceful life even achievable? Uniquely Similar I get the opportunity to talk to many people in …

Can you take the wheel of control in your life

What is one thing you think about when you hear the word “control”? Are you picturing a video game controller? Or maybe you remember a song with that title? You may be thinking about something or someone powerful. Because for most of us, having control is power. We all have some control in life. Just we only with certain things. It is when we are faced with something we cannot control, that is the struggle. The Power First and foremost, we have control over ourselves. Well…kind of. In situations, we can control what we have, what we do, and how …

Trauma can spread like glitter in life

If you have ever been near glitter, then you know that stuff gets EVERYWHERE! Little specks of light that you continue to find in the oddest locations, time and time again. People have even found the stuff, years later. I don’t know about you, but trauma kind of feels like it. How the effect of living through trauma can touch everything, multiple people, and then years later you get reminded of it. The Event A dear family friend had a family member live through a traumatic event recently. (Note: everyone is safe and okay.) When I was told about what …

The want and desire to change.

When I search for quotes for my blog, there are certain ones that seem to give me a lasting impact. Like I have shared, “One day or Day One, you decide” or “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just the first step”. But one that has been stuck with me lately is, “For things to change, you have to change.” Last week I talked about deciding this is the time to make a change. But what if you don’t see a reason to make a change, or you have a friend or family member that doesn’t want to …

Now it is Time to Take the First Step

This is a new year. A fresh start to making our lives better. Going over the past years to see what we want to accomplish and what we want to get rid of. Even a good time to look within our own lives. This is a perfect time to face those areas we try to ignore. Maybe fix some of the actions we are constantly doing, that are not working. But most importantly, a great time for something that is going to be one of the most difficult to do…take the first step in working on our mental health. To …

It’s a New Day, New Week, New Month, New Year!

In just a few days, the year of 2023 will come to an end and 2024 will begin. This is the time when people start reflecting on the past year, or the past couple of years, trying to set some goals or aspirations for the next year. The ugly term of “resolutions” will be tossed around like confetti in many conversations. But for me, I have a different outlook. I plan on setting ambitions, dreams, and desires. For the past 2 years I have been working on me and in 2024, I have a new day, a new week, a …

Wishing you a special Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring…just the thousands of thoughts in my head. Many people around the world will be celebrating the holiday of Christmas this weekend. Whether you have family and friends coming to you, or you will be traveling to see them, Christmas is a time of magic and togetherness. With every event, the good always has some struggle with it. So many of us will be faced with frustrations, hurt, loneliness, and exhaustion. In all of the hurry, remember to take a little time for you. True feeling …