Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Pain, Pain, Go Away, Come Back Another Day

Ever hear the nursery rhyme “Rain, Rain, Go Away”? The idea that a gloomy day is not what you want. To bring back the sun and brighten up the day. This idea is one that many of us feel constantly. I have been happier lately. Smiling more, dancing in my car, even laughing more. But it doesn’t take much to bring my thoughts down. A simple comment can bring the rainy day back into my life.

Still Working

I have been working very hard to get my life into some sort of order. Friendships are brightening my day. Work has been fun and enlightening. But I still have areas I need to work on. Most of all, myself. I am working on being able to look in the mirror and like what I see. To be proud of the person that is looking back. Knowing that this person is special. It is a constant battle that I want to win.

Growing Up

I realized something today. I had some time to have some of my “car-therapy” I like to do. And it hit me that for me to make a change in my life, I must change myself. Seems simple. Except, we tell people, that you should not have to change for anyone. But I do. I have an area in my life that will not get better unless I change who I am. Growing up, I became a people pleaser. I give into everyone just so that they are happy and may like me. This has developed into many people taking advantage of my kindness and using me.


One thing I have been told is that I need to set boundaries and hold to them. This is difficult for a people pleaser like me. I need to be strong, forceful, and determined when I set these boundaries. Not something I pleaser does. For me to focus on myself, I need to stop focusing on others so much. If I want to be respected and treated as such, it is time for me to start doing something about it. I need to change who I am. To become someone, I have never been before.

No Pain, No Gain

We all want something in our lives. For me, I want to be happy and respected. But to get to a point in my life in which I am happy and respected, I need to make some changes. Hard changes. Ones that will hurt too. We cannot be afraid to endure some struggle and a little pain. Because if we keep trying to push the pain away, the sunny days will never come. Besides, doesn’t saying go, “April showers, bring May flowers?” (Yes, we are in June now…) it is time to bloom.

Enjoy this video.

With great warmth,

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