Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 Articles

Pain, Pain, Go Away, Come Back Another Day

Ever hear the nursery rhyme “Rain, Rain, Go Away”? The idea that a gloomy day is not what you want. To bring back the sun and brighten up the day. This idea is one that many of us feel constantly. I have been happier lately. Smiling more, dancing in my car, even laughing more. But it doesn’t take much to bring my thoughts down. A simple comment can bring the rainy day back into my life. Still Working I have been working very hard to get my life into some sort of order. Friendships are brightening my day. Work has …

We are all strong

When you hear the words strong and strength, you are probably picturing people that can lift weights. Strength is not always visible. Being strong is not always about a physical act. I know because every one of you reading this is strong. Strength is waking up in the morning and getting out of bed. A sign of strength is stepping foot out of your home and into the daylight. Being strong is making it through the last 24 hours and the 24 hours before. Strength is giving a friend a hug when they need one, even though you want to …

What if…I overcome my doubt

Two words that have the opportunity to bring heartache, stress, and despair. Just two small words that can also bring new ideas, change, and hope. How can these two words be so powerful? You are faced with a decision that is too big to make on a whim, when your friend says, “yeah, but what if…” Those words break open a new way of thinking. And sometimes, that way of thinking can lead to uncertainty. DOUBT Your boss comes up to you with a new project that will be presented in front of the owners of the company. They asked …

Symbol of strength in life

A mark, design, image, or object can hold enough power to make a person feel and think. Symbols come in various sizes, shapes, and colors. Each one in the world mean something different to each person. I found myself floundering in life lately. Shutting down my emotions or going through life with an unfocused mind. So much on my mind, I wanted to find something I could connect to that would help me through this time in my life. Some of my family members have found interest in tattoos and this inspired me. If I wasn’t such a chicken, I …

Vulnerable in Life or Strength in Numbers

It is one thing to face life’s hurdles. It is another when you have a loved one that is facing life altering challenges. The amount of emotional battles your mind and body fight can make your head spin. The vulnerability alone can cripple the strongest man. Is it really worse There is a phrase that I have heard people say, “There is always someone that has it worse than you.” I need be honest. I hate that statement. Yes, there are people in the world that struggle through life with no family, no money, no home or job. Or they …