Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Symbol of strength in life

A mark, design, image, or object can hold enough power to make a person feel and think. Symbols come in various sizes, shapes, and colors. Each one in the world mean something different to each person.

I found myself floundering in life lately. Shutting down my emotions or going through life with an unfocused mind. So much on my mind, I wanted to find something I could connect to that would help me through this time in my life. Some of my family members have found interest in tattoos and this inspired me. If I wasn’t such a chicken, I would consider a tattoo myself. I personally find them to be intriguing about the feelings and emotions behind the ones people get. (Not too interested in those that, to me, can go overboard, leaving no skin untouched. That is only my opinion.)

So, no tattoo, but the symbolism that tattoos represent can be shown in other forms. I wanted to find something that I can hold, feel, and experience, just by looking at the symbol. Deciding to do a little research…wow! Talk about the symbols in the world! Celtic, mythology, Greek, and so many more out there. Wanting something specific, I narrowed my search a little further and found some that I was aware about and some that I didn’t know much about.

The Phoenix

When the Phoenix rises from the flames, she is even stronger than before.

The Phoenix is a symbol that resonates throughout many cultures and folklores. The grand bird of reds and oranges with a look close to eagles and peacocks. As the Phoenix dies, it is reborn from the ashes. Many cultures pull from the rebirth of the Phoenix as a symbol of strength and the ability to begin your life again. A chance to have a better you from an experience of determent.

To me the Phoenix has provided me the vision of a world in which I can break from the mold I have holding me back and start a life of happiness and health. I see the death of the Phoenix as a closure of a chapter and the rebirth as a start of a new page. A page in which I can write the story.

The Heartbeat

The heartbeat design has become more visible with tattoos and jewelry. I found this symbol when I focused my search on beginning again in life. Many have found the heartbeat to represent power, strength, the remembrance that life is short, and to cherish each minute we have. But personally, I found the symbol to remind me again that with every beat, I have the chance to make a change in my life. I can continue in my life as my heart continues to beat. That I am strong enough to live.

The Lotus Flower

The lotus flower blooms the most beautifully from the deepest and thickest mud.

In my search, I came across many symbols of the lotus flower. This is a flower that is carried through slow moving rivers full of mud. The flower gives the sense of being able to climb through the hardest times coming to life at the end. The chance to live a beautiful life out of the muddy waters. We set goals in life to be able to accomplish certain events. Then there are those life altering events that try to hold us down. The lotus flower shows us how we can push and climb over the obstacles in life to reach our own personal goals.

These are just a very small sample of the hundreds (if not many more) symbols in the world, especially about strength and overcoming. Each day I can look at the images I hold to my heart and find the peace I need and the strength to know I can carry on. On those days, in those minutes that the world is trying to old me back, to test my emotions, my Phoenix and heartbeat symbols I wear proudly remind me that I am not at my end. I am just beginning. Even now, into my 40’s I can begin a chapter in my life that is so unique to me. Something that I can fight for, dream about, and live to the fullest.

What symbols do you hold dear to you?

Meaning of symbols – Symbolsage

With great warmth,

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