Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 Articles

Pain, Pain, Go Away, Come Back Another Day

Ever hear the nursery rhyme “Rain, Rain, Go Away”? The idea that a gloomy day is not what you want. To bring back the sun and brighten up the day. This idea is one that many of us feel constantly. I have been happier lately. Smiling more, dancing in my car, even laughing more. But it doesn’t take much to bring my thoughts down. A simple comment can bring the rainy day back into my life. Still Working I have been working very hard to get my life into some sort of order. Friendships are brightening my day. Work has …

The Mind Power Of Fear

What are you afraid of? If you were to search online the list of phobias that have been classified, you will find lists of Top 100 Most Common Phobias. But look further and there are actually over 500 classified phobias, from the rarest to the most common. And new phobias are created every day. However, no matter what you are afraid of, there may be a time you will need to face your fear. (Side note: I am not talking about fear of things that you are allergic to.) Because ultimately, the more effort you put into avoiding the fear, …

Sometimes we just don’t understand

We have such a diverse society. Populations of people that live such unique lives all the while coinciding with one another. Each one can struggle, laugh, cry, love, and hate. And yet, it becomes such a mystery when a loved one begins showing signs of depression. I have conversations with friends and family so often about areas I struggle with in my life. Like right now, I have a really hard time believing I am good enough to deserve things I work for. Let me give you an example. I have my masters now in Mental Health and Wellness. I …