Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Is it really half empty or is your glass half full?

Ever been faced with a time in your life when the world seems to be throwing problems at you left and right? Like all of your ideas never come true for some reason or another. Almost as if something or someone is out to get you. It would be very easy to start to see life as a problem. As if there is no reason to do anything anymore. Constantly seeing life as a half empty glass only leads further down the dark path. But is life half empty or can you change the way you look at life and see it half full?


I was taught as a child to look for ways to accomplish my goals. If one way doesn’t work, try another. You try, ask for help, whatever you can to get the goal completed. I was taught to think about others and how someone else may see that same situation. Like at my job I interact with multiple people and multiple companies daily. I face the task of having to make some tough decisions everyday.

At home, my son is a quick thinker. He is one that speaks in literal sentences and can bring a very descriptive illusion to life. I face the challenge of teaching this child right and wrong, and then back up the reason. I cannot do this and all I face at work if I don’t have the ability to see life half full. Last minute requests, complaints, disagreements, then I come home to negotiate with a child.

A choice to make

Life half empty brings forth worry of not having enough. Fills the mind with disappointment and stress. This reminds me of a blog post I wrote a long time ago about how we all have the choice on how we see life. We have the choice on how we feel. There is a choice on how we approach the stress in our lives. There is a solution for every problem. More than likely, there will be more than one solution. It is how you approach and view the problem. Do you find yourself looking for the reason for the problem, or are you already thinking about solutions?

Empty or full

Here is an example. You have someone in your life that treats you badly. This person is always pointing out your faults, calling you names, and tries to control your choices. Do you start doing the same to them? They make you feel bad, so they should too. Or are you telling yourself that this person is not good enough to waste your time and you are already making plans on how to leave them behind?

Choose to share the glass

Depression and anxiety is treated on how to view situations in life. I have been faced with so much, it is a miracle I have not lost myself in the stress. I know there are many out in the world that have been faced with horrible situations. But here is the thing. I am still sitting here with you today. And all of you are still sitting there reading this today. You chose to keep getting out of bed. Choosing to get up and get out of the house. You chose to try and make this new day something better than yesterday. Your glass is not half empty. That glass is half full of the power and strength you need to get through today. It is half full of the love and support of the family and friends in your life. Remember that!

Enjoy this video.

With great warmth,

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