Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Life at work is not all fun and games

Every day we are fighting against life. Whether there is something at home, at school, for the kids, or our parents. Add in the stress of a job and it is a wonder we are functioning at all. Many Americans spend over 8 hours a day working, while many work more than 5 days a week (US Bureau of Labor Statistics). There are 24 hours in the day. So, there is one-third of your day spent with people that, more than likely, are not related to you (some family businesses out there.) These people become like another family, another home. Work becomes another strand that stress can attack your life.

My Work Life

I am one of those people that if someone needs me, I will be there. That is not just with family and friends. My work is tied to my personal life. My cellphone has access to my email, my desk phone, and various programs I need to do my job. So, if I get an email on Saturday from a tenant asking a question, I respond. If I get a phone call at 5AM on a Monday morning, I will answer. And every time I do respond, I am met with surprise. Surprise that they are getting their questions answered immediately, instead of waiting. My workday doesn’t start when I get into the office. My workday starts the minute I picked up my phone to respond to that email or answer that call.


I have been asked why do I do that? Why not let the email sit there and answer it on Monday? Or let the call go to voicemail and respond in the morning at the office? For me it is respect. My assumption is that they are reaching out at that time because it is important to them, so I make it important to me. It is also because it tells the other person that I am someone that cares about their needs. And that is huge for many. There are many problems that come with working like I do. The executives do not see that extra effort. No one knows I work like this, but me (and now you.) However, there is a bigger problem.

Work fits in

I have talked about my daily schedule. About how little time I have to myself lately. The idea of finding one hour, 30 minutes, or even 10 minutes is too much of a challenge most days. Having a young child that relies on you for just about everything is exhausting (and sometimes gratifying.) So, add in these pieces of work, scattered throughout my days. Taking away any element of “me time” I may have. This leaves me day after day focused on others, not on me. The stress I have built up from all the other areas of my life, the stress built from the office, and now the stress added at home from work, can be detrimental.

Only what is needed

Our jobs take up so much of our time, leaving less for family time and personal time. And it doesn’t look like it is getting any better. There is a new trend that recently started from the pandemic called “Quiet Quitting.” This is where an employee quits going above their salaried expectation. You pay me just enough to do these things, so that is all I will do. If you want me to do more or expect me to do more, then you need compensate me accordingly. This trend is growing by the day. Forcing employers to look closer at staff and hopefully at their needs.

The balance is off balance

Every person in the world is facing some sort of stress. The economy, society, life at home, finances, school, and work. More and more people are trying to find a balance to work, family, and be able to have that “me time.” Some people out there do take advantage of situations on both the employee and employer sides. But ultimately, that balance in life is getting more unbalanced for all of us. Having a chance to take a breath, step away from the stress accumulated over time, getting the chance to enjoy our work, can be the breaking point most. And now that I have been trying to find a new career, my stress has doubled.

One Third

Work is not fun and games. Unfortunately, it is becoming more strenuous than rewarding. Spending one-third of my day, throughout my adult life at work with added stress, has the clear potential of negatively impacting my health. They say find a job you enjoy. Something that maybe you like to do as a hobby. But I worry. Because if employers continue at the level of stress added to employees, I may not enjoy my hobby much longer. My hobby is my outlet. And I need that to get through life.

Enjoy this video.

With great warmth,