Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

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Is it really half empty or is your glass half full?

Ever been faced with a time in your life when the world seems to be throwing problems at you left and right? Like all of your ideas never come true for some reason or another. Almost as if something or someone is out to get you. It would be very easy to start to see life as a problem. As if there is no reason to do anything anymore. Constantly seeing life as a half empty glass only leads further down the dark path. But is life half empty or can you change the way you look at life and …

Choose you, choose now

We all have one of those days where the emotions tend to boil over. A day or two that the frustration is high and there seems to be no end in sight. Maybe a time that you just want to hide, scream, or cry. Yeah, we all have one of those days. I know because I am trying to get through one now. Where I just want to walk away and give up, kind of days. Choose to keep going How many times have we been here, trying to get through the day? Some of us feel that these days …