Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 1 - 10 of 54 Articles

It is a battle of the mind

Lately, I have been more vocal about mental health and how everyone experiences life differently. And it is interesting to watch those that do not much about mental health and depression try to understand what I am talking about. I mean we interact with people all day long. Many of these people are either working on healing or trying to survive. If they are not, then they are close with someone who is. And yet, there are still so many that do not understand what our lives are like. Because it is not like others. This is my life. Diagnosis …

Tis the holiday to reach out

It is that time of the year. The season of holidays, celebrations, remembrance, and being together. Personally, it is my favorite time of the year. But it is also one of my most difficult times of the year. With all of the prep, planning, coordinating, decorating, and expectations, the time becomes more daunting than joyful. And for far too many, this is a very lonely time of year as well. Lost loved ones, not having friends and family nearby, or have not found the special person yet. Then there are the few of us that have everyone around us and …

The first step is wanting help

Every day we see ads for healthier foods. Or maybe we see a new fitness facility opening down the street. There are numerous commercials for new drugs to help with ailments. But we don’t see very many ads or programs about depression. What about abuse, anxiety, and PTSD? Too many people are struggling against mental illness, not knowing how to get help. And on top of all of this, our kids are going through school having to fight against profiling, bullying, discrimination, and school violence. Is there anything that can help us get through? Ignoring the problem Mental health continues …

Do you know what it is like?

I wanted to give you another glimpse of what it is like to be me. Well, to help some of you try to understand what we go through when we are trying to heal. There are some people I do not share my troubles with, because I know I will get something like, “well you just need to do this” or “why did you do that?” Being someone that has depression, anxiety, PTSD, and is actively trying to heal from everything I have and am going through, it is definitely much easier ‘said than done’. Want to know what it …

Is it really half empty or is your glass half full?

Ever been faced with a time in your life when the world seems to be throwing problems at you left and right? Like all of your ideas never come true for some reason or another. Almost as if something or someone is out to get you. It would be very easy to start to see life as a problem. As if there is no reason to do anything anymore. Constantly seeing life as a half empty glass only leads further down the dark path. But is life half empty or can you change the way you look at life and …

Hey kids! Surprise! Parents are not superheroes!

They are small little things. Watching your every move. Picking up on your every word. Even seeing how you react. These little creatures are our pride and joy. Giving us hugs and kisses. Filled with those big soulful eyes that we melt to. We provide for them. Make sure they are clean, have food, happy, and always learning. But we forget that one piece. Those little eyes and ears see everything. You have a bad day at work, they feel your frustration. Breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend, they see the tears. They even hear the late-night crying. Picking up …

Do you get tired of being strong?

Well today is a difficult day for me. It was nothing in particular that caused the rough day. I want to let you know all of what I went through today in hopes that someone reading this will realize that they are not alone. Plus, I know of a few people that struggle with understanding what some people experience. It is hard for outsiders to understand the mental battles we go through every hour. How easy it is for us to be able to be laughing one moment and screaming and crying the next. This is my story of today. …

Getting tired of being tired

Is it me, or does it feel like suddenly life became the Energizer Bunny and has not stopped trying to make each day harder? There are days when it feels as if nothing seems to go right. Every now and then you get a glimpse of something good, only to be faced with more hurdles in front of you. It is overwhelming. Completely exhausting. To be tested through every second of the day, week, and even month, just to try and make some headway. I get so tired of being tired. Warriors As I have been writing this blog I …

Comfortable in the dark, only to want more light

I have discovered so much about myself as I travel this road.  One thing has me puzzled. Why am I finding it so hard to be happy? I still look in the mirror, only to see someone that could look better. Thinking about what I do at work and throughout my day, only to feel like I am nothing special. The constant feeling of wanting to be more, better, prettier, and special. Almost as if I am comfortable here. That is the problem. Ask any of my family, my friends, my coworkers, and they will tell you about just how …

Never easy to understand grief

I came across an article from PsychCentral that was titled “9 Different Types of Grief”. I had not even read the article, and the title alone opened a flood of emotions. Grief is something we all go through many times in our lives. But do we really understand grief and how we are able to cope through it? Honestly, I thought I did. Until last year. When I was made aware of grief I had not even considered. Defining Grief When you hear the word “grief”, many think of the loss of a loved one. Whether family or friend. That …