Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

We should make everyday a special day.

So today is a special day for me. It was 46 years ago that I entered into this world. Today is my birthday, and as I sit here having my friends and family wish me a happy birthday, I cannot help think about what this day really is. Yes, it is March 9th on another year’s calendar. It is another Thursday in the month of March. So, what makes this day any more special than the next? Why can’t tomorrow be special for me too?

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National what?

We hear so many “it is National Day of…(insert anything you can think of).” Celebrating food, toys, family members, genders, races, and cultures. How often do we celebrate ourselves? Celebrate each other, just because? I remember seeing an interview of Morgan Freeman and Bob Wallace in which Bob starts out asking about Black History month. Morgan Freeman casually questions back, “you going to regulate my history to a month?” Why do we choose a day, month, and in some cultures, a year to celebrate and acknowledge people and cultures?

Special days

My birthday is special to me. It is special to those people in my life that care and love me. But should I only have one day to feel special? We teach our children that they are unique, special in this world, and we remind them every day that they can be whatever they want. We may offer ways to earn treats, but deep down, we have no problem giving them that dessert or that small toy. Do you stop treating your son and daughter as if they are the most important part of your life just because it is not their birthday? Of course not. So why do we limit ourselves and that we believe in to regulated days and months?


Every day is important. Each day is special. If you are waking up, getting out of bed, and eating a meal, it is a special day. Those days you can take that step out of your comfort zone, are special days. Did the sun rise that day? Celebrate it. Go for a walk that day? Celebrate it. Call that friend you haven’t spoken to in years? Celebrate it. Every day we should celebrate. Because we are here, on this earth. Is there war? Yes. Is there fighting and murder? Yes. The world is not united. That doesn’t mean we cannot take a minute or two just to say, “proud of you.”


When was the last time you looked in the mirror and said you are proud of yourself? I know I haven’t. I have so much in my life. Family and friends that care. A job that allows me to afford the luxuries I enjoy. Hobbies that I love. A child that constantly tells me I am his world. March 9th might be my birthday, but every day I should be celebrating what I do have in my life. Is everything roses? No. I have struggles and hardships. I get frustrated and angry. We all do. It is called being human. But it doesn’t take away the magnitude of all the positive I do have in my life.

Celebrate you

Just remember, we all have birthdays. We all have times in our lives when we celebrate something. Spread it out. Start making more days about you. Make months and even years about you. Focus on yourself. Love yourself. Be proud of yourself. Each day we have conquered our most difficult days to date. Track record of 100%. Celebrate that. Because I am proud of you. So my birthday gift for you is a wish that each one of you continue to have many wonderful and special days that will help get you through the hard ones. I celebrate you!

Enjoy this video.

With great warmth,

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