Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

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We should make everyday a special day.

So today is a special day for me. It was 46 years ago that I entered into this world. Today is my birthday, and as I sit here having my friends and family wish me a happy birthday, I cannot help think about what this day really is. Yes, it is March 9th on another year’s calendar. It is another Thursday in the month of March. So, what makes this day any more special than the next? Why can’t tomorrow be special for me too? National what? We hear so many “it is National Day of…(insert anything you can think …

Is fear deciding for you?

I was recently talking with some friends of mine about my career path and the choices I have in front of me. I have been looking at changing from real estate into mental health. However, someone mentioned I should also look into writing as I love to write and (apparently) they said I am really good at it. So when my friends started asking if I had thought about podcasts and videos, I was ready to shoot down the idea in a heartbeat. Suddenly, I could feel my heart rate kick up and I was beginning to get fidgety. My …