Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

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How music influences our life

My friends know that I am always there for them. You need me, I will drop everything and offer my full attention to you. When I do not hear from someone in a little while, I have been known to send a quick message. “Hey. Just checking in.” That is all I need to say. So, when I checked in with a friend, they returned the usual, “I’m fine.” Until a few hours later I got the true answer. This friend had been going through quite a bit in their personal life. But it was when they told me, they …

We should make everyday a special day.

So today is a special day for me. It was 46 years ago that I entered into this world. Today is my birthday, and as I sit here having my friends and family wish me a happy birthday, I cannot help think about what this day really is. Yes, it is March 9th on another year’s calendar. It is another Thursday in the month of March. So, what makes this day any more special than the next? Why can’t tomorrow be special for me too? National what? We hear so many “it is National Day of…(insert anything you can think …


It is May again. Mental Health Awareness month. More and more ads are coming out about mental health. To make aware of those who suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD, and so much more. In my honest opinion, we should be aware of this all year long. Growing up, we didn’t hear about depression and anxiety. Schools didn’t talk about it in health class. So why are we so focused on it now? WHY IS MENTAL HEALTH SO IMPORTANT Let me ask you this question, when you are sick with a cold or the flu, do you feel happy? How about …

Can you speak through music

Do you have a friend or loved one that is shutting down from the world, starting to show signs of depression? When you ask them if there is anything wrong or if they are okay, you barely get any answer or just, “I’m fine”? Almost like there are too many emotions running through that they begin to get numb to the outside world. You want to help them, but don’t know where to start. Because you know and can plainly see, they are definitely not fine. Use Music Here is a suggestion, use music. Think about it. How many times …

What is your outlet in life?

We all have stress. Everyone has times of happiness and times of sadness. We all show our emotions in some form, whether out in the open or in little ways. But how are we coping through this stress? What do we have in our life that gives us the reprieve we need from the thoughts in our head? You know the ones. Those voices that are making all the racket and keeping us from focusing on ourselves and our loved ones. Voices You just received news that leaves you speechless. Your mind goes blank, and you don’t know how to …


The melody sounds the familiar. The voice is different. No, the voice is quiet. What am I listening to? My song that has carried me through some of the hardest times is different. This version hits deeper, stronger. STARTING THE DAY WITH MUSIC Every morning, almost without fail, I wake up to music in my head. Not necessarily a song I have heard recently. Not much sense in the reasoning the song plays through. There are days when more than one song plays over and over. Some days, I get just a piece of the song or two playing. And …

Powerful Words from Music

Driving along the road and a song comes on the radio. That song. The only one that can bring up the memories of the past. The words hit every angle of the heart. As the mind fills with visions of history, tears try to break free. With a simple 4-minute melody, a forgotten world is remembered. SIMPLE WORDS Sound familiar? Simple set of words that are so powerful to bring forgotten memories and emotions out to the forefront. How is this music giving off empowerment and love? Why do these words brush over my world with just enough comfort to …