Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 1 - 10 of 37 Articles

You don’t know it is special until it’s gone

Well, it is finally here. There is only one day left for me and then no more. I have been busy saying my goodbyes to everyone that has meant so much to me. But this chapter is coming to a close. Just one last day with my current job and then off to another. My last day of work is here, and a new career is ahead of me. This past week I have been reaching out to everyone I had the opportunity to work with to bid them a heartfelt farewell. Realizing that it is not only my career …

Advice from the outside looking in

As I have been working through so many things in my life, I find myself struggling. This struggle is very frustrating, not just to me, but to those that love and care about me. Because I struggle to take advice. Yup, that’s it. I can listen to what my friends and family tell me I should do or not do all day long. But when I am at a point to make the decision, I just can’t seem to do it. And I couldn’t understand why…until recently. Wake up advice My wake-up call about my life was actually a phone …

A mixed bag full of opinions

You have probably heard of the phrase, “opinions are like (insert a body part here), everyone has one…” (well, you get the picture.) With the way the world continues to evolve and how people are using their thoughts these days, I would like to change that phrase. To me it is more like, “opinions are like a bag of seeds. Not everyone has one, but it is what kind you have and what you do with it that matters.” It doesn’t matter who you are or what you look like, opinions can make the garden beautiful, or they can grow …

A deeper look at resentment

Ever hear something just in passing only to have it constantly replay in your mind for days or weeks after? Some have called this “earworms”. Most of us have a song stuck in our heads over and over. Probably from a commercial or a social media post. For me, it is quotes. And this one I cannot stop thinking about it. I came across a social media video where someone stated, “people tend to resent others because they are doing something that we do not feel we are allowed to do.” Think about that for a minute. Not just one-sided …

I need to Find the Fight Within

Recently I was able to have a few conversations with some close friends. In two separate occasions, I was faced with the challenge of looking deeper into my own actions, thoughts, and emotions. Having someone from the outside of your immediate life, with their own questions on how people think, makes a person question their own thoughts. I was asked how I could not believe that I was beautiful and attractive? Why did I struggle with this so much? Why do I still feel like I am not enough? The Past Growing up, I was faced with constant reminders that …

Faking it to make it…look normal

We have all heard the phrase at least once in our lives. “Fake it till you make it!” To pretend to be something or do something to get the reward you really want. To use this as a motivation or to use this as a way to hide. How many of us have told someone that we can do a task, only you actually don’t know how to? How many of us have been asked to act or look a certain way, only to impress others? Who has used this statement to hide behind true emotions so that we don’t …

Respect is not as easy as it looks

My son just asked me what mental health is and why is it so important. This question got me thinking. Many of us are moving through each day just surviving. Get up, take care of the family, go to work, only to come home and take care of the family until it is time for bed. We push ourselves to care about everyone else in our lives, that we are not leaving much time for us. I was recently reminded that my mental health is very important and taking time away from work is necessary. So why is it so …

Be someone else or choose to be yourself.

Nowadays, we keep hearing about how we should be act in a certain manner, do certain things, look a certain way. If you want people to respect you, act this way. You want the girl to like you, do these things. Trying to get the guy to pay attention to you, try these methods. Then add in constant reminders to always be yourself. Or, if they have a problem with you, that is their issue, not yours. Society has change so much over these years with technology, that most of us just don’t know what to do anymore. Choosing the …

We should make everyday a special day.

So today is a special day for me. It was 46 years ago that I entered into this world. Today is my birthday, and as I sit here having my friends and family wish me a happy birthday, I cannot help think about what this day really is. Yes, it is March 9th on another year’s calendar. It is another Thursday in the month of March. So, what makes this day any more special than the next? Why can’t tomorrow be special for me too? National what? We hear so many “it is National Day of…(insert anything you can think …

Products of childhood or the choices we make

When you were a child, did you have dreams of being a doctor, a teacher, the president, or a ballerina? Did you dream about flying in space or putting on a show for your family and friends? Did your parents and teachers tell you things like, “you can be anything you want to be when you grow up.” And when you grew up, are you the doctor you dreamed about? Maybe a teacher? Or did you become that ballerina in the fancy outfits? Are we products of our childhood, or the choices we made along the way? Kids Confidence and …