Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Choose you, choose now

We all have one of those days where the emotions tend to boil over. A day or two that the frustration is high and there seems to be no end in sight. Maybe a time that you just want to hide, scream, or cry. Yeah, we all have one of those days. I know because I am trying to get through one now. Where I just want to walk away and give up, kind of days.

Choose to keep going

How many times have we been here, trying to get through the day? Some of us feel that these days tend to last too long. Wishing there was someone or something to stop the craziness. But we find nothing. Just us, getting up every day trying to keep pushing through. Only us, feeling as if there is no other choice but to keep going. Us, wondering why we are going through all of this.

Choose positive

It is too easy to start down a dangerous path on days like this. I have to admit that there were times when I felt that I wanted to do something stupid just to feel different than I did then. I just decided that it wasn’t the best choice and went on with my day. But too many of us don’t make that choice. So many find themselves in situations far darker than before.

How can someone handle days like this? What can be done to ease the struggle they are facing? It is easy and yet hard. Many things and just a few. And the hardest one is the first step.

Choose today

My favorite quote is “One Day or Day One? You choose.” The first step is always going to be choosing for yourself. It is time. Time to get the ball rolling. It is time to make a decision. And time to make a change. We are facing days of high emotion because we are expecting more without asking for it. Without demanding it.


My day was high in emotion coming from tense work, frustrating home, and no time for myself. Each piece is a choice. I had a choice to feel frustrated. A choice to act a certain way. And yet, still expected the task to go a certain way, no matter what I did. Home was a struggle working with my son on his homework. It is rare to find kids that want to go to school. Even more rare to have a child want to do homework instead of playing outside. Knowing this, choosing to demand he always do something he doesn’t like will add to my daily challenges. Then finding that, after everything, the night was fast approaching, and I still had not spent some time by myself. Because I chose to go to stores, allow my son certain activities, and I chose to get upset over all of it.

Letting go

My choices today resulted in loss of emotional control. Having thoughts about my abilities. Wondering if I am a good mother. Thinking about activities that may not be good for my health. Life is going to constantly push us to the very limit. The breaking point every chance it can. How we choose to see the challenge, feel about the issue, and act on the problem, will only add to the strength we have.

There is no one in the world that does not have some kind of problem in their life. But you will find the happiest of people are those that can choose to ignore, release, and to smile at least once a day. No one can make us do anything. We have the right to make our own decisions. They do come with consequences. But they are OUR choices. You having a bad day? Then scream or cry if you choose to. Just know that if you do, someone may ask if you are okay or just look at you like you are crazy. If you don’t and you bottle it up, just know that you could develop physical problems. Remember one key factor. It is never a good idea to make a major decision when your emotions are too high. The consequences may be devasting.

I hope you choose to smile today.

With great warmth,

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