Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Driving along the road and a song comes on the radio. That song. The only one that can bring up the memories of the past. The words hit every angle of the heart. As the mind fills with visions of history, tears try to break free. With a simple 4-minute melody, a forgotten world is remembered.


Sound familiar? Simple set of words that are so powerful to bring forgotten memories and emotions out to the forefront. How is this music giving off empowerment and love? Why do these words brush over my world with just enough comfort to help me get through my day?


Time and time again, music has given us a level of understanding and hope at times when our worlds are unknown. The power of music has been tested and proven to affect the mind and heart of those who are fortunate to hear and feel every note. Every day we are living through events that can bring even the strongest to their knees.  A melody pours from the speakers and suddenly a wave of calmness overtakes.

Not just the average listener is affected by the lyrics of a song. Take a chance and dive in deep to one of your favorite songs to feel the passion surging from the artist themselves. Many of the musicians in today’s world create these storylines of their music from a piece of their own worlds. The heartache and love they felt in that moment. The pain and torment they endured when they lost that loved one.


To help prepare myself for the undertaking I placed in front of me to write about music, I reached out to my family, friends and on social media to ask, “What song, artist or genre did you turn to in order to get through an event in your life?” The response I received was overwhelming and touched my heart in so many ways. Stories of loss of loved ones, divorces, heart break and bullying. Each one was still here today answering my question because that song they mentioned encouraged them to keep going.


Music has become the anomaly that has power to be able to heal. Healing the mind, giving a person peace and comfort. Allowing a calmness in their lives to be able to work through that hill they are facing. Many universities have conducted studies on the affects of music on the mind. Harvard Medical School posted this article in 2011 relating to music and the brain. Studies of patients during surgery, music and stress. Harvard Medical School, Music and Health, July 2011

Has music helped you? Did a certain song give you power to climb over that hill? Was there an artist that you related to through their lyrics? Music in all forms, whether Pop, Rock, Heavy Metal, Classical, Christian, or even a simple string quartet can overflow with strength, love, and as always acceptance. The power of words in a simple song brings forth a vision of peacefulness and in many times, a vision of self-power. Those lyrics give off a strength to breakthrough some of even the most demanding matters.


I am sitting here wondering how I am going to get through the next hour, the next day, the next month. So much heartache. How am I supposed to break through all of this? Feeling like there is no hope. Then, just one song. A melody begins to brighten the room. The words flowing from the speakers touch every corner. Yes, they know what I feel. These people with the emotions dripping through each syllable. They understand. I don’t feel so alone in my little bubble. The strangers singing to me, they feel my sadness. Why does this make me feel better? Stronger somehow?

With great warmth

1 Comment

  1. I know this is about words in music, but I’ve found that sometimes the music without words is just as powerful. Years ago I had to commute to work on some very busy freeways, I found the drive to be very stressful, and my normal music wasn’t cutting it. Then I found a smooth jazz channel and suddenly I was a different person arriving home, no more headaches and bad mood. Music is profound, songs and lyrics can really have a message, but sometimes it’s the underlying rhythm or beat that packs the powerful punch.

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