Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 11 - 20 of 37 Articles

When needing so little means so much

Tired from running around after the kids. Exhausted from the constant demand and questions at work. Drained from the push to do more, be more, show more. Suddenly, the time comes. The desire to step away. Hit the pause button for a little while. Go off grid for some time. Just some peace and quiet to calm the racket in your head. Having the need to break away from the constant can mean so much. Robotic We have all been there. The days are beginning to blend together. The stress of life is so much that we forget what happened …

Another Year is Another Chance

In just a few days we are going to say goodbye to 2022 and hello to the new year. If you are like me, these last 365 days have tested you, pushed you, blind-sided you, and maybe even lifted you. But the best thing about 2022, if you are sitting there reading this now, the best thing is…you survived! It is another year you survived and now you are being given another chance. The Old Year I was talking with a friend recently when I admitted that this year, I have changed in so many ways. The past year, I …

Carry your legacy through footprints of life

The year is getting closer to closing out. A few years ago, I decided to start work on myself and my mental health. This year has come with some of my greatest challenges and struggles with a few accomplishments tossed in. The weight of the world kept rushing in to try to stop me. But each day I still got out of bed. I went into work. Finished my schoolwork. And then continued to take care of my family. So many friends and family telling me about how strong I was. Yet, constantly feeling weak. What do I want to …

Power within us to be resilient

As many of you know by now, I recently graduated with my masters. This morning, I participated in the ceremony at the college campus. Throughout the ceremony, the common topic emphasized was resilience. The ability to overcome tough events throughout our lives. Too many of us are fighting some tough times in our lives right now. But for me, it is not just resilience that got me where I am today. Society I was discussing how society has changed so much over the last 20-plus years with my husband this morning. Finding now, how we are facing individuals looking for …

Need of self-care for you and them

Recently, I have been battling trying to find myself. After spending so many years being the quiet one and dedicating my time and energy to helping everyone around me, I fell into a constant depression. There were so many years that I walked around and even told people that my purpose on earth was to make everyone around me happy. But I had a problem…a big problem. I was losing myself. Past the Future I have been coming across quotes that would say, “let the past go, it is not what makes you.” Or “focus on who you are today …

Can’t compare to what matters to you.

Recently I am seeing quotes and images that say, “think of this the next time you feel your life is getting too hard.” And I have to be honest, I hate those signs. If I went through life comparing my troubles every day to those around the world…it would be like comparing watermelons to a grain of sand. The world around us has problems that are imaginable. So how could I ever compare my depression to that? If it helps That is something that so many people try to use, thinking they are helping those of us that struggle. Like …

Can you handle the changes in your life?

I have talked about how we need to start caring about ourselves a little more. About how the stresses in our daily lives can eat away, so we need to have outlets to release some of these emotions. Even talked about ways that we can use exercise, nutrition, and our hobbies to add some positivity into our lives. These are all great….but, what happens when you do start working on yourself? How do you handle the emotions, behaviors, and the thoughts that are now changing? What I am talking about I started working on myself when I started this blog …

Do We Naturally Think Negative

“I am not strong enough to handle that.” “Why can’t I do anything right.” “That is too difficult.” Do these statements sound familiar? I can guarantee that either you have said some or you have heard people say them to you. Ever wonder why it is so easy for us to say statements like these? That go to the negative instead of looking for positive. Everything looking dark and grey instead of bright and beautiful. Maybe because we, as humans, are hardwired to focus on negatives first. How to change negative thinking Negativity for survival Think about the caveman coming …

It is about time to love me.

I bet you have heard at least one of these statements. “Do whatever is best for you.” “You need to care about others as much as you care about yourself.” “Don’t just think about yourself. Think about others.” “Make yourself a priority.” Confused? Yeah, I was too for a while. I grew up focused on making sure my family and friends were always taken care of. Their happiness was my priority for most of my life. It became a part of my mindset that I do not need, want, and care for anything for myself because they need to be …

Do your attachments make you suffer?

I remember so much about my childhood school time. Being the shy girl looking for a friend. When one kid would pay attention to me, I would attach myself to that person and would become their best friend. As a kid, I would want to spend all my time with them at school. I would find it very hard to understand why they were not always wanting to be hanging out with me, the quiet girl. Attachment continues Fast forward to high school. There I found a girl I would hang out with and called her my best friend. Oblivious …