Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

When needing so little means so much

Tired from running around after the kids. Exhausted from the constant demand and questions at work. Drained from the push to do more, be more, show more. Suddenly, the time comes. The desire to step away. Hit the pause button for a little while. Go off grid for some time. Just some peace and quiet to calm the racket in your head. Having the need to break away from the constant can mean so much.


We have all been there. The days are beginning to blend together. The stress of life is so much that we forget what happened days before. The feeling of being on autopilot just to get through the days. Getting up from bed, caring for the family, going to work, driving home, and then the family routine again. All this until you go to bed only to start it all over again tomorrow.

Off grid from the noise

I have been finding myself at that point in my life that feels more robotic than interactive. Always running around for everyone else. Trying so hard to find just a minute of time for myself. And even when I do find time, it is so short that it becomes forgetful. I have to admit. I have expressed to some of my friends that I wish I could go off grid for a while. Just to give myself some time to shut down all of the noise in my life. But to me, I want a substantial amount of time. And this is where they are concerned.

Step Away

You see, it is okay and perfectly normal to want to step away for a little bit. But when someone talks about the break being as long as like, a month, there tends to be a little more concern. For me, I struggle with trying to find myself. Since I have started this blog, went back to school, and now trying to get into the job market in mental health, I am becoming more at ease of seeing my new life path. I have the desire to help bring awareness of mental health and using my blog to hopefully let someone reading it know that they are not alone in this world. I have spent so much of my earlier life catering to others, I don’t know what I want, like, or need.

To need and want

This is where the break would be useful for me. A chance to stop the noise around me so that I can focus on me. Focus on what I want in life. Determine what I need and want to do in order to get to where I want to go. I did not get a license in my degree so being a counselor or therapist is not the path I want. I love being able to talk about what I go through. I enjoy explaining to others that they really do have a choice in how they feel. Giving everyone an opportunity to see a bigger picture in their lives. This is what I need and what I want to do in my life. But there is so much life noise, it tends to drown it out.


What you want in your life can easily become what you need in your life. You want happiness, you need positivity. You want passion, you need respect. Finding a way to break out of the commotion that surrounds you becomes the goal. This is how self-care, self-love, support, and communication is so vital to our very being. Feeling Guilty about Self-Care Think about this. Those that have suffered in substance abuse like alcoholism and drugs can break away and attend a rehab program for a while so that they can focus on getting clean and sober. So why does the thought of stepping away to focus on me for a while, have some people questioning me?

Finding ways

A person has asked me as to whether I journal or not. Blogging is one form of journaling. But yes, I use an electronic journal. I am able to shut down my immediate focus and absorb myself into my writing. Like now, my family is downstairs and knows they are to leave me alone as I write tonight. My writing is a form of breaking away from the interference my routine life throws at me. Writing helps me to collect my thoughts. Unfortunately, there are times, it is not enough. Because I would still love to find a cabin in the woods and hide out for a bit.

Go after your needs

If you find yourself in that autopilot and robotic routine, then it may be time for a break. Start small with just a drive for an hour or two. Or go big with a vacation to another country. Find some time, step away, break past the noise that life is pushing on you. Give yourself the needed breath you deserve. Because what we all need, healthy minds, healthy bodies, and healthy spirits. Needing some time away, can mean life or death for some.

Enjoy this video.

With great warmth,

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