Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 11 - 20 of 38 Articles

How I can be Happy

Had an interesting conversation with some friends of mine, this week. One of them told me that they withheld asking to do something with me because they were worried I might think about them differently. As if there was a potential that I might not like them or hate them. This had me thinking so many thoughts after that interaction. Especially, how many times in my life did I hold back from something I wanted or needed just to please another? Happy Back Then I took a trip down memory lane after that day to think about the people I …

Kid’s stories and jokes of the truth

Kids say the darndest things. I mean some of the things that my son or his friends say come from an imagination that is open to the world. And I love hearing all about it, seeing how creative they can be. Nothing is off limits. My son would talk about seeing the clouds in the sky and thinking about our dogs that have passed away jumping from cloud to cloud playing and watching us. Then stories about being a ninja or the slayer of all evil and he is set out to protect me or his friends. I love hearing …

Many Options for Outlets of Stress in Life

Life can come at us very hard sometimes. Throwing curveballs in our days any chance it can. A project going perfect until one small change and then suddenly everything is on the line. Relationships moving in a loving way, until one phone call, one chance encounter. Then suddenly questions build, and confusion is all that remains. No matter who you are, there will be a day that tests your mind. Do you have outlets that you can use to ease the stress? The Outlet We all need a form of outlet in our lives to ease the stress of life. …

It is Okay Not to Understand

I was talking to a friend recently about things I am feeling and how my mind thinks about the world around me. This person commented (in a joking manner) that I was messed up in the head. Now, I did not take this in any other form than the fact that they truly did not understand what I was going through. They did not understand how my mind functioned and how something small can be a trigger of severe anxiety to me. I responded to my friend that it is an eye-opening experience when you hear me talk about myself …

Can you handle the changes in your life?

I have talked about how we need to start caring about ourselves a little more. About how the stresses in our daily lives can eat away, so we need to have outlets to release some of these emotions. Even talked about ways that we can use exercise, nutrition, and our hobbies to add some positivity into our lives. These are all great….but, what happens when you do start working on yourself? How do you handle the emotions, behaviors, and the thoughts that are now changing? What I am talking about I started working on myself when I started this blog …

Are you going through a long list of emotions?

I have been seeing various TikTok videos and reels on Facebook where someone adds their video to a voice asking if they were the only ones in that awkward stage of being happy, hurt, and healing all at the same time. This got me thinking (like I need a reason). How many times has someone asked me “how are you doing?” And then, in my mind you run through a very long list of emotions and adjectives that would describe me, but all I say is, “Fine.” Too Many Emotions Over the last few weeks… no, maybe it has been …

What it all looks like

They are laughing, smiling, dancing around, but did you know they are fighting depression? Maybe they are sitting in the corner, quiet and reserved. Are you aware they are fighting anxiety? Mental health has a stigma in the world that a depressed person is always withdrawn and sad. That a person who has anxiety is always nervous and fidgety. We don’t always look and act like that. I look happy Over the last few weeks, I have laughed with friends and sang my heart out to rock music. I enjoyed some time with my friends and neighbors at a barbeque …

Offering a Little Animal Support

We have all had those times in our lives that are in need of a hug or just an act of comfort. Maybe we are in the middle of grieving the loss of a loved one. It could be the stress of the job or school. But to have someone sit with you and just offer the chance to comfort without saying a word, can be enormous. Yes, our friends and family could be that one to offer the comfort, but then talking is involved. I realized recently that there is something better, my pets. Doggie Love I have 2 …


It is May again. Mental Health Awareness month. More and more ads are coming out about mental health. To make aware of those who suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD, and so much more. In my honest opinion, we should be aware of this all year long. Growing up, we didn’t hear about depression and anxiety. Schools didn’t talk about it in health class. So why are we so focused on it now? WHY IS MENTAL HEALTH SO IMPORTANT Let me ask you this question, when you are sick with a cold or the flu, do you feel happy? How about …

Do your attachments make you suffer?

I remember so much about my childhood school time. Being the shy girl looking for a friend. When one kid would pay attention to me, I would attach myself to that person and would become their best friend. As a kid, I would want to spend all my time with them at school. I would find it very hard to understand why they were not always wanting to be hanging out with me, the quiet girl. Attachment continues Fast forward to high school. There I found a girl I would hang out with and called her my best friend. Oblivious …