Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Wishing you a special Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring…just the thousands of thoughts in my head. Many people around the world will be celebrating the holiday of Christmas this weekend. Whether you have family and friends coming to you, or you will be traveling to see them, Christmas is a time of magic and togetherness. With every event, the good always has some struggle with it. So many of us will be faced with frustrations, hurt, loneliness, and exhaustion. In all of the hurry, remember to take a little time for you.

True feeling of the holiday

I thought I was going to meet my therapist feeling okay for a change last week. But it was there I realized how lonely I was. I had the stress from work, at home, taking care of my son, and just all of the thoughts in my head, that I was fading inside. I was in desperate need to talk to someone. Unfortunately, my go-to support group were all busy. I felt like I was drowning in my emotions and had no way to break free. I knew there were some people I could talk to, but they didn’t have a good understanding of what I was going through. A constant feeling of wanting to run away from my current life and the encompassing feeling like I was on a deserted island. All alone in a room full of people.

Not alone this Christmas

A few days ago, I had a chance to talk with a dear friend. They too were struggling with pieces in their life. Another person that found themselves surrounded by family and friends, and no one to understand them. It was even those that seemed the closest, felt the farthest. They reached out to me as they knew I could be the one person to release the strain. And hopefully, after our conversation, they felt just a little better.

My Choice

That conversation made me realize something very important. I cannot depend on anyone else, friends or family, to help me feel better. What I mean is, life is going to present challenges, people are going to say and do things that we don’t understand, but it is on us alone to use this to better ourselves. Our choices throughout life, our choices not to choose, the actions, the words we speak, all determine what we will face in life. My friend was faced with a close person to their life saying something to them that hurt. We have all experienced this. It is easy to get upset, frustrated, and even be hurt. We can sit with our thoughts about what we thought they meant by the statement. Or we can voice our feelings to them. Maybe even ignore it and pretend it didn’t happen.

So Many feelings

The holidays bring out more emotions for people. They can enhance the feelings of love and happiness. But they can also show the hurt and sad times in our lives. Everyday is faced with times of challenge. But we have to remember the times of joy too. Because it is how we choose to handle these situations can either bring the good or the bad. Remembering that we do have people that love us. There are people in this world that are going through things similar to us. We are not alone in our struggles. Somewhere in this world we have someone that is just a phone call away. Someone that will listen when we need it and give advice at the right time. That person that even through these holidays, thinks about us, cares, and wants to see us happy.

Merry Christmas chapter

Our Christmas story is really just a chapter in our life. And in every good book, there are moments of worry and strife. Just make each chapter better than the past and watch as your story develops the happy ending. I want to wish all around the world who celebrate this holiday a very Merry Christmas. May wishes be granted and homes full of love and laughter surround you.

Enjoy this video from the movie “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer (1964)”. And if you have seen it…remember their happy ending!

With great warmth,

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