Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

What are you grateful for?

Today we are celebrating Thanksgiving here in the United States. I was talking to my son this morning about the day and when I told him that Thanksgiving is about mental health, he was ready to argue with me. Yes, I know the history behind Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims and all of that. But hear me out. Today at dinner we went around the table and said what we were grateful for. It is at that time we identify the pieces in our life that bring elements of positivity. Think about it. What are you grateful for?

Grateful For Family

Many of us may answer that we are grateful for our family. For me, my family has been my cheerleader and my support. Through all of the ups and downs I have gone through; it is my family that checked in on me. They supported me when I started this blog. We have our moments of wanting to ignore them, yell at them, or even smack them in the back of the head for doing something stupid. But when any one of us really needs help, we are there to help.

Not everyone can say they have a family like this. Some people in the world have no family alive. Others may come from families that have disowned them. Worst, some could come from families that have hurt them. Remembering that I am someone lucky to have a group of people that will have my back if I need it, worry about me, love me, and hold me up is remembering that I do have something good in my life.

Grateful for Friends

I am also grateful for a few very special friends. These people have changed my life over the last 2 years. I know I am not the same person I was even 5 years ago. They gave me a push to open my shell and discover who I was all along. Finding myself in my wants and needs that were so hidden. Keeping me in line to set my boundaries, go after my dreams, and shine so bright in this crazy world. The love I have for these friends and everything they have done is immeasurable.

Too many people are walking through life alone. Unable to sort out those that truly want to help. How many are fighting through life without support and guidance? Just to have one person offer that random act of kindness can change a life.

Being Grateful

Thanksgiving to me is about remembering that even though our lives are in turmoil, there is something we are grateful for. Because I am also grateful for all of you. Grateful that there is someone that is reading this and my other posts and finding something that may help them. That someone right now is thinking that even if they don’t have much, there is someone else out there that cares about them. That they are not alone in this world. We will all struggle. Life will always challenge us. I just hope that today, this Thanksgiving, you will also find that one thing to be grateful for. That one thing that will keep getting you out of bed each day. Something that will remind you, life does have some brightness and happiness in it.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Enjoy these videos.

With great warmth,

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