Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

What is your outlet in life?

We all have stress. Everyone has times of happiness and times of sadness. We all show our emotions in some form, whether out in the open or in little ways. But how are we coping through this stress? What do we have in our life that gives us the reprieve we need from the thoughts in our head? You know the ones. Those voices that are making all the racket and keeping us from focusing on ourselves and our loved ones.


You just received news that leaves you speechless. Your mind goes blank, and you don’t know how to process. Then the voices in your head start. First, they start focusing on the good elements. Suddenly your mind begins to dwell on the negative side. Sometimes, those voices can make sense. Too many times those will pull you further into a dark place. How do you cope with quieting those voices in your head?


When we are faced with situations that have us questioning, thinking too hard, dwelling on the negative, what are some things we can do to pull away from those emotions? How do we separate from the negative to stay positive? To continue looking at the world and still want to be a part of it?


The how and what are outlets. They are ways we find peace in our minds. Maybe you are one that must run or exercise to turn the noise in your head off for an hour. Going to the gym or for a run down the path between the houses. Some outdoor air, or exhilaration of pushing your body for another mile or another set of weight reps. Or you are one that can find a quiet place at home or park and read. A good book to dive into and focus on a different character and the life they are leading. You could be someone that has a hobby of painting, cooking, or creating art. Or you are like me, and music is your outlet. Whether you play an instrument, sing, or just love to listen to music to escape the voices in our heads.

Very Well Mind-How to Deal with Negative Emotions

The Quiet

We all need a way to stop the noise in our heads to be able to fully process what life has thrown at us. My outlet of music has been a huge help for me to take a break from reality. A chance to push through some energy of singing (in my car with the windows up) as loud as I can to rock music blaring through my speakers. By the time I get to my destination, I am calmer and able to focus. Outlets we have in our lives have that ability. Use some energy (except for those that use reading and writing as an outlet) and pull our minds away from the negative or sad event in our lives for that small time. To quiet the noise.

Bring Some Peace

When you are faced with the unexpected, the sad, and the negative, find our outlet. Bring some peace into your mind and into your life. Allow your focus to divert for a minute. To refocus on the necessary and to bring you options to handle life. A chance to step back and re-evaluate. Because life will always find ways to throw curveballs at us. Put those molehills in front of us. We need to find ways to step aside and knock them down before they get us square between the eyes.

With great warmth,

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