Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Afraid to talk to yourself? Now to start talking.

We all do it. Talk to ourselves, and in some cases, answer ourselves.

“Ugh, why did I do that?”

“Because you thought it was cool, but now it is just silly.”

“I know!”

“Not going to do that again, are you?”

“Nope!” all said by me to me.

Do you ever notice how freeing it can be sometimes? To be able to express some of the emotions you have pent-up in your mind, scratching to get out. We all know talking is one way to express your feelings. But what if you don’t want to let people know, but really, really need to get it out?

When I started my journey last year in finding myself and my ambitions, I needed an outlet. Everyone needs an outlet in order to release those emotions that you try to bottle up. Some turn to exercise or the boxing ring, others turn to gardening or yoga. I personally turned to writing. But I didn’t want just a notebook and pen. I wanted something that I could keep to myself, without others finding it. I wanted someplace to go to at any hour of the day. That is where I found journaling.

Writing Journals

Writing journaling comes in many different forms. Of course, you have the pen and paper. But now there are so many electronic versions that it is easier for someone to start journaling. The one I used is the Daybook App. I was able to access this through an application on my phone and online. This way, I am lying in bed, and I have a thought that starts to bother me. I grab my phone, open the app, and type away. It is immediately saved and dated so I can find it easily if I want. Best part, it is password protected and FREE! There are so many journal applications out there, find which one works best for you.

Video Journals

For many that do not like to write, video journaling maybe the option for you. And wow! When I started researching video journaling, the number of apps and review sites stating which ones are the best, I got overwhelmed. I saw, My Life Journal (Apple), Daily Snap (Apple), Vournally Video Diary (Android), Day One (Android). Just remember that many of these sites will cost a fee to use. There is also the option to use the video on your phone too.

Drawing Journals & Scrapbooking

Don’t want to be in front of a camera and do not like writing? How about drawing or scrapbooking? This is a way to express your daily emotions in pictures. Drawing scenes that represent your emotions at that time can help pull the tension away and onto the paper. Scrapbooking, you have more freedom. Pulling words and pictures from magazines or anywhere you can find and creating a scene of how you are feeling. A way to take unique objects and make your own life puzzle.

Photo Journaling

Like the video journaling, photos have a thousand words in each of them. Many of us have cell phones with cameras as well as a personal camera. You are walking to your car after you just learned that your loved one lied to you. You walk by a rose bush on the way. ‘SNAP’ The picture of the rose bush is telling me that the beauty of your life right now is surrounded by thorns keeping guard. Or how about you just received a call from your boss that you got that promotion. ‘SNAP’ A photo of a raft of ducks flying by in the air, free. That photo is telling me that your mind is soaring high, through the clouds at peace.

Music Journaling

Music journaling is going to be more for those with talent, which I do not have. Sure, I love to write and have tried my hand (once) at lyric writing. But music journaling is more for those that play instruments. Have you ever watched a music artist compose and write their music? They are using their own emotions and experiences to write out the music we will fall in love with every time it is played on the radio.

Whatever outlet you find that works for you, use it. Journaling, gardening, yoga, exercise, in the fighting ring, or dancing. No matter the outlet, use it. One of the worst things you can do to your mind and body, is hold onto your emotions. The energy in the anger, the hurt, and the excitement is like a soda bottle that you just shook. All it takes is that one little twist of the cap and all of the energy is going to hit you in the face. But in life, that hit will be your body, your heart, and your mind. The strain can cause serious physical health damage, so please…talk, even if it is to yourself on paper.

With Warm Regards,

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