Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 Articles

What is your outlet in life?

We all have stress. Everyone has times of happiness and times of sadness. We all show our emotions in some form, whether out in the open or in little ways. But how are we coping through this stress? What do we have in our life that gives us the reprieve we need from the thoughts in our head? You know the ones. Those voices that are making all the racket and keeping us from focusing on ourselves and our loved ones. Voices You just received news that leaves you speechless. Your mind goes blank, and you don’t know how to …

Learning more about wellness

Having some sort of balance in your life can help calm some of the chaos in your mind. Since looking at the emotions and environment last week, let’s turn our focus on another dimension…Intellectual. School Learning I admit, growing up I struggled through school. Going through stressful times throughout childhood can do that. I was bullied from 2nd grade and continued getting teased until I hit high school. Then fell into a depression for 6 years. My academic focus was pretty much non-existent at that time. I would bring home grades barely making C’s and B’s. I found no area …

New Year, Fresh Start

A new year is here again. That one time in our lives that we take a closer look at ourselves and see what we might want to do better. The dreaded Resolutions! You have all heard them. Many have broken them. I lost count how many resolutions I made and broken within the first month. You remember them. “This year I am going to lose weight.” “I want to be a better friend this year.” “I plan to volunteer at least once a week, no once a month.” “This year I am going to focus on (myself, school, my family, …