Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

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Why You Need To Find Your Own Way Out

Ever have one of those days where you feel like hiding away? Nothing seems to be going right. It feels as if everyone is always needing you. Like the world is swarming around you. I know I have. Lately, it feels like I am drowning in the middle of the ocean and there is not one single person around to help. Trying to find a job and a career path that I enjoy, family life, and my own personal struggle, is gaining on me and I cannot find a way out. A regular day When you have a young child …

What is your outlet in life?

We all have stress. Everyone has times of happiness and times of sadness. We all show our emotions in some form, whether out in the open or in little ways. But how are we coping through this stress? What do we have in our life that gives us the reprieve we need from the thoughts in our head? You know the ones. Those voices that are making all the racket and keeping us from focusing on ourselves and our loved ones. Voices You just received news that leaves you speechless. Your mind goes blank, and you don’t know how to …

Afraid to talk to yourself? Now to start talking.

We all do it. Talk to ourselves, and in some cases, answer ourselves. “Ugh, why did I do that?” “Because you thought it was cool, but now it is just silly.” “I know!” “Not going to do that again, are you?” “Nope!” all said by me to me. Do you ever notice how freeing it can be sometimes? To be able to express some of the emotions you have pent-up in your mind, scratching to get out. We all know talking is one way to express your feelings. But what if you don’t want to let people know, but really, …