Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Reflection on mental health in a year

I can’t believe that I am coming up to my 1-year anniversary of writing this blog on mental health. It was this time last year I was taking the steps to create this site. I know I do not have many followers right now, but that is okay. Because I have followers. I have people around the world that take a minute to visit my site, read my stories, share my thoughts. That alone, is amazing.

The Why About Mental Health

I have been asked why I focus on mental health so much and how did I get started in all of this. Between going back for my masters in mental health, the blog, occasionally volunteering with organizations locally and just being so open about it. Simple…my nieces. I credit all of this to them. These two beautiful ladies have single handily kicked off this path for me.

About six months prior to starting the blog, I was visiting with my family in California. During the visit, these ladies sat with me in another room from the rest of the family and we just talked. The more we shared the more I had something change in me. Like a box was opened. I started reflecting about my own life growing up, then and today, seeing for the first time how similar the experiences were. The feeling of intense need to help, share, guide, comfort, and love them. It was like I HAD to help them.

The Journey

It was then that my journey took off. Giving me this intense drive to advocate for mental health. I was opened to an emotional link for anyone that could use a friend. As if I was seeing the world around me so differently now. Music was more meaningful. Art and images became vibrant and heartfelt. Watching people walking down the street or everyone that drove by on the highway, left me wondering if they needed help. If they could use a friend.

The Stigma of Mental Health

Mental health in general has a stigma that, even today, tends to push people away. “There is something wrong with them.” “They are not right, stay away from them.” It has been calculated as 1 in 5 adults suffer some form of mental health illness in one year’s time (NAMI). That is 1 person in 1 family of 5 people suffers. Cultures, faith, ethics, and so much more bring obstacles to too many of us to be able to get help.

Why am I writing a blog, studying, and eventually working with mental health? It is those 5 people in that family. The 1 who is suffering and the 4 that will (hopefully) support them.

The Need

Why do I want to help them? Because I was once in their shoes with my own experiences. I carry weight on my life still today. Schools do not talk about it. TV doesn’t talk about it. Social media only talks about it, sometimes. I didn’t know what I was going through back then. Not being sure if I was okay or not. Didn’t understand why I wasn’t like the other kids. Always the quiet one, not wanting to be noticed.

The Identity

We hear about diets, exercise programs, fashion trends, food, electronics, the latest way to meet people. Celebrities endorsing weight loss programs, energy drinks, and more. When was the last time you heard someone endorsing getting counseling? How about ads for therapists in your area? Why are we having such a difficulty offering help, getting help, identifying we need help?

I am very proud of the steps I have taken so far. The opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life. Even if it is to show them that there are others just like they are, going through similar situations. We all have our stories. Each chapter filled with emotions, events, and people in our lives. I want to be someone that will help provide all of the ink you need and the paper ready so that your story continues on.

With great warmth,

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