Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 1 - 10 of 18 Articles

A Personal Battle of an Anxious Mind

So last week I started talking about what my typical day would be like. By the time I reached leaving the house to go to work, I was exhausted. My mornings are full of thoughts, anxiety, and stress. The afternoons are full of good times and stressful times. By the time the evenings are here, I look for ways to relax, if I can. But usually, it is not until everyone is asleep that I get a chance to breathe. For me, every day is a challenge. And it is not just the people around me that add to the …

Now it is Time to Take the First Step

This is a new year. A fresh start to making our lives better. Going over the past years to see what we want to accomplish and what we want to get rid of. Even a good time to look within our own lives. This is a perfect time to face those areas we try to ignore. Maybe fix some of the actions we are constantly doing, that are not working. But most importantly, a great time for something that is going to be one of the most difficult to do…take the first step in working on our mental health. To …

How about just one more worry

Anxiety is the world’s most common mental health disorder according to the World Health Organization. Anxiety has multiple elements that can be defined. For example, PTSD, sensory anxiety, phobias, and social anxiety disorder are just a few types of anxiety. But what I wanted to talk about is more regarding the person dealing with the anxiety and the people in their lives. Because what many of us don’t realize is that we have these main triggers, but it can also be the people and the environment around us that adds to our anxiety. It is as if life is saying, …

The first step is wanting help

Every day we see ads for healthier foods. Or maybe we see a new fitness facility opening down the street. There are numerous commercials for new drugs to help with ailments. But we don’t see very many ads or programs about depression. What about abuse, anxiety, and PTSD? Too many people are struggling against mental illness, not knowing how to get help. And on top of all of this, our kids are going through school having to fight against profiling, bullying, discrimination, and school violence. Is there anything that can help us get through? Ignoring the problem Mental health continues …

Emotional intelligence will provide the way through

This week has been filled with laughter, enlightenment, and stress. Celebrating with coworkers for the holidays, planning my travel to see family soon, and a class at work that struck a chord in me. As I have told my coworkers this week, we all leave fingerprints on the lives we interact with. And this week, those fingerprints mean so much more. Intelligence at work The week started off with a class at work about emotional intelligence. Now, this was focused heavier in the workplace, but there were several points that I couldn’t help but reflect in my personal life too. …

Carry your legacy through footprints of life

The year is getting closer to closing out. A few years ago, I decided to start work on myself and my mental health. This year has come with some of my greatest challenges and struggles with a few accomplishments tossed in. The weight of the world kept rushing in to try to stop me. But each day I still got out of bed. I went into work. Finished my schoolwork. And then continued to take care of my family. So many friends and family telling me about how strong I was. Yet, constantly feeling weak. What do I want to …

Understanding depression a little better.

It doesn’t matter if you are young, old, male, female, or what race you are. Depression can find its way into your life. But it is, like everything else we encounter, how we handle, embrace, or ignore our depression or someone else’s. I was about to write that there is no right or wrong way to handle depression, but that is not entirely true. However, there are positive and negative ways. That is what will determine the end result. Depression Types Depression does not just hit when you experience something that makes you sad. There are several types of depression. …

Many Options for Outlets of Stress in Life

Life can come at us very hard sometimes. Throwing curveballs in our days any chance it can. A project going perfect until one small change and then suddenly everything is on the line. Relationships moving in a loving way, until one phone call, one chance encounter. Then suddenly questions build, and confusion is all that remains. No matter who you are, there will be a day that tests your mind. Do you have outlets that you can use to ease the stress? The Outlet We all need a form of outlet in our lives to ease the stress of life. …

It is Okay Not to Understand

I was talking to a friend recently about things I am feeling and how my mind thinks about the world around me. This person commented (in a joking manner) that I was messed up in the head. Now, I did not take this in any other form than the fact that they truly did not understand what I was going through. They did not understand how my mind functioned and how something small can be a trigger of severe anxiety to me. I responded to my friend that it is an eye-opening experience when you hear me talk about myself …

Can you handle the changes in your life?

I have talked about how we need to start caring about ourselves a little more. About how the stresses in our daily lives can eat away, so we need to have outlets to release some of these emotions. Even talked about ways that we can use exercise, nutrition, and our hobbies to add some positivity into our lives. These are all great….but, what happens when you do start working on yourself? How do you handle the emotions, behaviors, and the thoughts that are now changing? What I am talking about I started working on myself when I started this blog …