Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Being mentally aware of you

May is Mental Health Awareness month. It should not only be one month that we focus on the mental health of ourselves and those we love. Mental Health is a daily lifestyle and should be considered and acknowledged every day. To be aware of yourself and your thoughts.

What about you?

When was the last time you took a minute to sit back and consider yourself and your surroundings? Is it difficult to find enjoyment in some of the smaller things in life? Are your days bright and sunny or gloomy and gray? When you are in a room full of people, are you feeling lonely?

Vital to life

These questions are hard to ask and even harder to answer. Your mental health is a vital element of your life and should be cared for as such. But are we taking the time to fully commit to our mental health? Are you really aware of your mental health? What about your family and friends?

Aware of Your Thoughts

Take a minute a think about yesterday. It was Cinco de Mayo. A day of those with Mexican heritage celebrate the victory the Mexican army had over France in 1862. In the United States, we started celebrating along with our neighboring country. Restaurants and bars in the area celebrating with you by offering specials. Friends wanting to come over for a drink, or two. It was another day to celebrate.

Now, think about what you did yesterday. Then, start to focus in on how you felt yesterday. Remember all of the emotions you went through from the moment you woke up to the minute you went to bed. Dive in deeper. Those feelings, are they more negative and darker or happier and brighter? What about the day before? And the day before that?

Your Mental Health

These are the clues to your mental health. There are so many facets to one’s mental outlook, that one bad day doesn’t mean the worst. It is having the mental strength to get up and keep moving. The mental strength to know that you need help. Remember, asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of bravery. To know you are not strong enough to help yourself, that you need help.


Since I have been writing this blog, I have come across hundreds of quotes and phrases I wish I could share them all with you. One of my many favorites is “One Day or Day One? You Decide.” This simple phrase says it all. Choosing to work on yourself, to think about yourself one day, or is this day one of working on yourself and thinking about yourself?

May is Mental Health Awareness month and I ask all of you to please, take a minute. Take a minute to breathe. A minute to yourself to reflect on your thoughts for the day. Just one minute to ask yourself, one day or day one. Only one minute to say I can do this, or I need help.


Then talk. Remember, if you want to see a change, then talk to someone. Anyone! Talk to a friend, a family member, the church, a doctor. Just talk. For me, talking is difficult, so I went to writing. Start a journal. There are even electronic journals like Daybook that you can use.

Your mental health and that of your friends and family is such a vital element in life that we cannot afford to ignore it anymore.

One last thing…no change without choice. So, please choose you. Choose yourself and your health.

With great warmth,

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