Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 1 - 10 of 25 Articles

If life had a remote control

You are sitting there watching a scary movie on TV that you have seen before. You just know that any moment that critical part of the bad guy jumping out to take the character away is just seconds away. Knowing that this screen always gives you nightmares, you decide to fast forward the movie just to get past it. Ever wish you could control your life that way too? I know I have. So many times, I wanted to hit the pause button or even the stop button for a little while. What would you do if your life had …

A Personal Battle of an Anxious Mind

So last week I started talking about what my typical day would be like. By the time I reached leaving the house to go to work, I was exhausted. My mornings are full of thoughts, anxiety, and stress. The afternoons are full of good times and stressful times. By the time the evenings are here, I look for ways to relax, if I can. But usually, it is not until everyone is asleep that I get a chance to breathe. For me, every day is a challenge. And it is not just the people around me that add to the …

Surviving Motherhood One Meltdown at a Time

They are little bodies of energy. Curious minds full of questions about everything. Testing limits and seeing no barriers. We were once these creatures. And many of us have our own set of little beings. These creatures are our children. So young and pure. Simple minds trying to figure out how the world is made. So how can someone so young be faced with mental health issues? We as adults have a hard enough time. How can we help our children? The Age When I went online to research the youngest mental health case, the number of sites that came …

The Mind Power Of Fear

What are you afraid of? If you were to search online the list of phobias that have been classified, you will find lists of Top 100 Most Common Phobias. But look further and there are actually over 500 classified phobias, from the rarest to the most common. And new phobias are created every day. However, no matter what you are afraid of, there may be a time you will need to face your fear. (Side note: I am not talking about fear of things that you are allergic to.) Because ultimately, the more effort you put into avoiding the fear, …

Hiding in a world of uncertainty

The world today has given us so many ways to worry. Whether it is about money for our families, having a job to go to, or even our general livelihood. It seems it has been questioned, tested, negotiated and decided on without our knowledge. And to add to the worry, we have our families, our children, our loved ones, and especially ourselves to care for every day. How can anyone even consider living a peaceful life with all of this around us? Is a peaceful life even achievable? Uniquely Similar I get the opportunity to talk to many people in …

How about just one more worry

Anxiety is the world’s most common mental health disorder according to the World Health Organization. Anxiety has multiple elements that can be defined. For example, PTSD, sensory anxiety, phobias, and social anxiety disorder are just a few types of anxiety. But what I wanted to talk about is more regarding the person dealing with the anxiety and the people in their lives. Because what many of us don’t realize is that we have these main triggers, but it can also be the people and the environment around us that adds to our anxiety. It is as if life is saying, …

We need a support group for overthinkers

Do you think it would be a good thing or a scary thing to have a group of overthinkers in one room? Do you know if you are an overthinker? (Signs you are an overthinker) You may be saying that thinking about a situation will bring clarity and possible solutions. And you are right. But that is where most people would stop thinking about the problem. We overthinkers, well we can go to another level. And if you are anything like me, you go to extremes. A Disorder? Overthinking is the excessive time used for thinking and worrying about situations. …

You are truly worthy of love

Picture this…a child is seen running around the schoolyard laughing and playing around. You see them playing with other children. All appear to have the same large smiles on their faces. But there, on the side, is another child that is just sitting there. This little one is all alone watching the other children. You can see the longing in their eyes. The silent cry for attention on their face. You can picture all of that, can’t you? So, let me ask you, is that child worthy of love? Do they deserve to be cared about, appreciated, and made to …

Do you get tired of being strong?

Well today is a difficult day for me. It was nothing in particular that caused the rough day. I want to let you know all of what I went through today in hopes that someone reading this will realize that they are not alone. Plus, I know of a few people that struggle with understanding what some people experience. It is hard for outsiders to understand the mental battles we go through every hour. How easy it is for us to be able to be laughing one moment and screaming and crying the next. This is my story of today. …

Does there always have to be a reason why?

A few days ago, I was talking with someone about why they would start a project, a process, something that they really wanted, only to stop right at the finishing point. They asked me why do they suddenly lose all interest the minute they discover they are almost done? I have asked (many times) why do I feel the need to always be told I am liked and that I am special from my friends instead of accepting their friendship as they give me? Is there something in our past that has molded us to be like this? Does there …