Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Hiding in a world of uncertainty

The world today has given us so many ways to worry. Whether it is about money for our families, having a job to go to, or even our general livelihood. It seems it has been questioned, tested, negotiated and decided on without our knowledge. And to add to the worry, we have our families, our children, our loved ones, and especially ourselves to care for every day. How can anyone even consider living a peaceful life with all of this around us? Is a peaceful life even achievable?

Uniquely Similar

I get the opportunity to talk to many people in my job. So many with different personalities and unique experiences. Some of them experienced difficult challenges growing up while others were faced with better financial circumstances. But the common element with everyone I meet comes down to we all worry. Just, we each handle it in various ways.

Patience is a Virtue

I have always considered myself a patient person. Friends and family would agree that I have a calming nature to my presence. When I worry (and I worry about a lot) I tend to get quiet, seclude myself, try to ignore the event that is causing the worry, and hope that I do not go into a panic attack. Is any of this good practice? Probably not. But this is what I do. And I am sure many of you can relate to this. While others will experience something different. I know people that when they worry, suddenly they are very talkative, constantly moving and explaining about the nature of the worry. Actions that are more of an immediate panic.

Self aware

I am more aware of my actions, my feelings, and how I impact those around me especially since I have been self-involved in my overall health. I know if I am worried about something in my life, I may impact another person by how I act around them. Not everyone is as self-aware. How many people do you know that start to worry about something and their actions become more pronounced, may even become intense or aggressive in their words and movements?

Not my problem

Mental health is so important in everyone’s life. But too many of us in the world tend to turn a blind eye to our own health, let alone their loved ones. That is until it is too late. Because too many do not see, understand, or want to know how they really affect the people around them. How it is easier to ignore the issues. Like they are hoping they will just go away. But life is cruel and will always find ways to test us.

Control the Chaos

If there ever is a time that your emotions feel out of control, your focus is lost, or your mind just will not quiet down, then please consider that there may be a problem. Talk to someone. Seek professional help. This may just save your life and your relationships. Because you see how you are, but can you see how you are impacting others? Are you finding friends that are becoming harder to reach? Have your family members started to worry about you? Are your children becoming scared to talk to you? Don’t let your actions, your emotions, and your thoughts push away all of those people that love you the most.

We cannot hide away from our thoughts. There is no hiding from our actions. Life will test us in every chance it can. Keep building your strength by acknowledging and understanding, it is time to get help.

Enjoy this video.

With great warmth,

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