Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 31 - 38 of 38 Articles

What is your life role in the story?

When we are going through life, turning the pages in our stories, every person we meet is a character. That character adds shape to our story. When we think about our own mental health chapter in our stories, we need to not only think about ourselves, but all of those characters in our story. Characterizing As we focus on our health, we need to look at the people in our lives to determine their role. In my life story, I have people that are clearly in the supporting role and people that are in the story as more static roles. …

Afraid to talk to yourself? Now to start talking.

We all do it. Talk to ourselves, and in some cases, answer ourselves. “Ugh, why did I do that?” “Because you thought it was cool, but now it is just silly.” “I know!” “Not going to do that again, are you?” “Nope!” all said by me to me. Do you ever notice how freeing it can be sometimes? To be able to express some of the emotions you have pent-up in your mind, scratching to get out. We all know talking is one way to express your feelings. But what if you don’t want to let people know, but really, …

Learning more about wellness

Having some sort of balance in your life can help calm some of the chaos in your mind. Since looking at the emotions and environment last week, let’s turn our focus on another dimension…Intellectual. School Learning I admit, growing up I struggled through school. Going through stressful times throughout childhood can do that. I was bullied from 2nd grade and continued getting teased until I hit high school. Then fell into a depression for 6 years. My academic focus was pretty much non-existent at that time. I would bring home grades barely making C’s and B’s. I found no area …

A Closer Look into Dimensions of Wellness

Mental Health Awareness month is coming to an end and I wanted to take a minute to focus on our overall wellness. These last few years have taken a toll on our emotions, our body and our minds. The added stress and strain of an uncontrolled virus and the worry of “what if” as we tried to learn how to avoid and still be able to live our lives. This pandemic has resulted in death, divorce, depression, suicides, and just an overall hostility in the world. (Mental Health is Health) As May is coming to an end and the summer …


The melody sounds the familiar. The voice is different. No, the voice is quiet. What am I listening to? My song that has carried me through some of the hardest times is different. This version hits deeper, stronger. STARTING THE DAY WITH MUSIC Every morning, almost without fail, I wake up to music in my head. Not necessarily a song I have heard recently. Not much sense in the reasoning the song plays through. There are days when more than one song plays over and over. Some days, I get just a piece of the song or two playing. And …

Powerful Words from Music

Driving along the road and a song comes on the radio. That song. The only one that can bring up the memories of the past. The words hit every angle of the heart. As the mind fills with visions of history, tears try to break free. With a simple 4-minute melody, a forgotten world is remembered. SIMPLE WORDS Sound familiar? Simple set of words that are so powerful to bring forgotten memories and emotions out to the forefront. How is this music giving off empowerment and love? Why do these words brush over my world with just enough comfort to …

Do Men think so differently from Women?

He doesn’t understand. Why is she doing that? Sound familiar? Are you sitting there trying to figure out your partner? Wondering what they were thinking? Trying to understand what they are doing? I can tell you right now, stop. You won’t figure them out. Not completely. Shortly after I started dating (many moons ago), I was doing just that. Sitting there trying to figure out what the guy was thinking when he would say certain things or why he couldn’t understand me. I came across a book that many know of, “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” by …

Emotionally Running High in Happiness

In today’s day in age, it seems that emotions of all kinds are running high in the world. Emotions about events on the news and emotions we have during our regular daily grind. Everyday we deal with a wide range of emotions that can control each minute of our lives. The trick…. Can we control them? Remember when… Do you remember the last time you were genuinely happy? For many, that is an extremely hard question. Emotions that we experience each minute of our lives can range from a form of happiness to downright depression. When was the last time …