Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Always thankful for another day!

The holiday season is coming fast. Almost seems faster each year. Today we are celebrating Thanksgiving here in the US. Everyone is talking about all they are thankful for. Roofs over their heads. Food on the table. Money in the account. Friends and family that we love. Thankful for our health. Every year trying to teach our kids about being thankful for what they have instead of focusing on the objects they don’t.

Thankful for…

Let me ask you something. Have you ever been thankful for your mental health? Thankful for making it through another day to see the sunshine? Being thankful for having an ounce of energy to get out of bed again? Having the courage to face another day of what life likes to throw our way?

Every day, every year, life will bring us challenges of grief, loss, anger and hatred, times of love and happiness. The roller coaster of emotions that we experience can make the strongest man or woman crumble. And every day, every year, we think about the people, the objects, and the physical parts of our lives.

Survived another…

There is a quote going around that today you have made it through 100% of your worst days so far. Think about that. Whether you are 15 years old or 55 years old. When you woke up, you have already faced and overcame all of the bad days you ever had. Does this mean that you will not see any more bad days? No, of course not. Life does not work that way. It does mean that you are stronger than you realize.

In Control…

I have had people ask me how I managed to handle all I have gone through lately. To me, there was no other choice. But there is one lesson in all of this. One that my dad had made sure to remind me so many times growing up. “Focus on what you can control. Not on what you cannot.” Why worry so much about something going on in your life that you cannot control? I focused my mental energy on what I can do to make my way through the day, and letting go of how others will react, think, or do.

This allowed me to reduce frustrations, exhaustion, and find a better peace in my life. Don’t get me wrong. I struggled each day. Trying to keep myself from giving up. Frustrations were high. Exhaustion was overwhelming. Learning about my limitations, pushing to accomplish my goals.


Today I celebrate so much. Thankful for the people in my life that have always stood by my side. The roof over my head, that protects and shelters my family together. The ability to financially provide nourishment to my family. But I also celebrate the health of my body and of my mind. Thankful that tonight I will go to bed with the knowledge I have tried my best to make it a good day. I am thankful that tomorrow, I get to try again. I have another chance to smile for no reason. A chance to laugh if I want to. Maybe even dance to the upcoming holiday music.

So Much!

Thanksgiving is a day to remember what we have in our lives. Thankful for the all of the good we may not see every day. A reminder that even if we are struggling today, there is some positive. Thankful for a chance to love, a chance live, and a chance to laugh. I am thankful to you, my readers. May every day forward be another day for you to live.

With great warmth.

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