Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

We all have an opinion about something

I am sure most of us have shared some news about our lives just to have our friends and family immediately offer “suggestions or opinions” on things we should do. Some of you ladies may have received these “suggestions” after announcing you are expecting a child. Men, I bet you have received opinions about the sports you like. Just about everyone will get an opinion if we even try to say that we want to eat better, watch our weight, or exercise a little more. Everyone receives opinions daily. Everyone has given an opinion in their life. Some are useful. Many are not.

Personal Support

As we are trying to make it through each day of our lives, we will be faced with challenges, curve balls, and downright disasters. Hoping to be able to turn to our friends and family allows us to find some support. Find someone that understands our troubles and how difficult life is for us. That person that can comfort us, guide us, and even help us tackle through.

I have been struggling to find myself. Understand who I am and what I can do in life. Still scared to stand up for myself and constantly pushing to focus on my needs more than others. I have days that I want to cry, scream, and just pack up and leave. Then there are days when I want to conquer the world. It took me a long time in my life, but I have been able to identify the people I can turn to and those I cannot. At least not in the same way as the others. But there are still times when the opinions and suggestions are too much, no matter whom they come from.

Receiving Opinions

So, I will give you my “opinion”. One tactic I use to be able to make my way through the suggestions. Listen, acknowledge, and dissect. You see, so many of us are going through so much in our lives, that there may be something useful in what they say. Even if most of it is wrong. As I listen to everything, I will reply in my mind a yes, no, or maybe. Yes, that could work. No, that will never work. And maybe, I just don’t know if I can do it. I also go to certain people for help. The people that I feel know me the best.

Giving Opinions

As someone that also tries to help by offering my own opinion, I have a “suggestion” on that too. Before I say anything, I have to remind myself that I am not this person. They are not me. They could be someone that can easily say no to a person without the added worry. Unlike me, that constantly worries if I have hurt or offended a person, just by telling them no. Then I also remember that I wasn’t there with them when their event occurred. I don’t know what anyone else is feeling or thinking. With all of this knowledge, I need to keep my opinions simple, generalized, and maybe try to help them think in a bigger picture. Never tell someone, “oh, you need to do this.” Or, “to get over them, you have to do this. It will make you feel better.”

Trying for a happier tomorrow

We all get them. We all receive them. Opinions and suggestions are just that, opinions. No one can make you do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing. BUT, do listen to some of them. I write this blog to share my experiences. To let people know that I have and still go through so much in my life. There are some things that I use to help get me up in the morning every day. Things I do and think about that help me make it home every night. Because as much as I wish I had a pause button on my life, I don’t. The clock will continue to tick along. The sun and moon will continue to cross my skies. Life doesn’t stop. So, I need all of the help I can get and tools I can use to make sure I will see tomorrow, and each day is as happy as I can make it.

With great warmth,

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