Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Are you uncomfortable enough to change?

I was told once that I had to be uncomfortable to make a change in my situation. This got me to think…more. Think about parts of your life that you wish could change. It could be something small or something big. Maybe in a relationship or with a family member. Or maybe you just want to make a change in your own life. So…why haven’t you made that change yet?

Signs to change

I took a very close look at my life recently. Going throughout my childhood, into my teens, then the beginning of adulthood. Looking at the areas I was not happy with. For me, I was unhappy with my appearance and how quiet I was. Many a time I wished I was more outgoing. Wishing I could be a little skinnier. Only, I never made a change in my life to be any of those things. Why?

Comfort holding on

All those years continued to pile up more and more. At first it was a few years, 5 years, then into 10, 20, and more. Living as I was just accepting that this is who I am. But, still not liking it. Never making a change. Until I finally pushed myself to do something. For over 30 years I was comfortable being the big girl. I was comfortable being the quiet one no one seemed to talk to. My comfort was actually holding me back from making a change to be something I could be happy about. I was becoming comfortable in my depression.

How do we make a change

To make a change in our lives, we need to be comfortable with becoming uncomfortable. Change is scary. It is the unknown of what can happen. Unknowing how we will feel after. Not knowing what will happen during and after. But how will anything change without it?

Not always good

Change is not always good. I get that. But change is necessary. Necessary to make sure we continue to grow. Continue to better ourselves. To be happy in the lives we are creating. Think of it this way. I have been dealing with depression for several years. Feeling as if I am not good enough. That I don’t deserve anything but to make sure anyone in contact with me is happy. Believing that the people in my life only really put up with me and don’t really care much about me. All of these feelings are 100% accurate as to HOW I feel. But they are also 100% all false in reality. (I have been very sternly told that I am enough, I deserve everything, and that I have a large amount of people that care about my very being.)

Moving on

If I continue to remain comfortable in my mind and my thoughts, I would never be able to find any happiness. This is why I have made myself uncomfortable and push myself to address these thoughts with my therapist, friends, family and work on changing my life. (And yes, my friends have really yelled at me when they heard I thought I was not good enough. Love all those people!)

Is it hard to do? Absolutely! Because I am telling you to break out of your comfort zone. To step away from the concrete walls you have built and out into the open where everyone can see you. Is it scary? Yup! The thing is…it is SO WORTH IT!

It’s time

Remember when I talked about those adjectives, I couldn’t come up to describe myself, but my friends and family came up with a ton of them? How You See Yourself I had told my therapist about that moment, and she reminded me that in order for me to start to see and believe what my friends and family are seeing in me, I have to step away from my little comfortable box. I need to be uncomfortable to see how others view me. Opening up myself to a viewpoint that is out of my one-sided and depressed view. Willing to accept in being uncomfortable. To accept that I am who these people believe me to be.

Change is uncomfortable. The only way we can make our lives better is to be uncomfortable. Even just a little. So that we are willing to see, to accept, and to understand this new way of life. We all deserve to be happy. All deserve to be healthy.

Enjoy some music videos.

With great warmth,

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