Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Kinds of Support We All Need

“You know you can always talk to me.”

“I am here if you need me.”

These are some common phrases from a few good friends of mine. I know they mean well. But I have a problem…I look for ways to not go to them. “I don’t want to bother them.” Or “they are busy with their own family or drama, I can’t add to that.” This leaves me with a small number of people I do feel comfortable talking to. My support system. And it is getting smaller these days.

The Need

We all need a support system to make sure we are getting through our days as best as we can. A system that reminds us that we are human, and it is okay to have bad days. Support that continues to lift us up when we need it. Those special people that can recognize just by looking in your eyes, that you need a hug, or a laugh. It is those people that become more like your family.

Not just human

Support is not just by friends and family. If you are a pet lover, you know what I mean. Those animals we care for in our homes, show us love every day. It does not matter whether it is a good day or bad. These simple creatures brighten our days anyway. I have 2 dogs at home. We lost one dog recently to cancer but have adopted another a few weeks later. These two are always sitting at the top of the stairs when we get home from work. Always ready for petting, kisses, and snuggles, my stress fades so easily. Whether you have doggies, kitty cats, birds, reptiles, fish, or another animal at home, each one offers a loving support that we all can use.

We all need a level of support in our lives. It is a way to remind ourselves that we can accomplish what we doubt. To remind us that we are strong, driven, powerful, and special to many people. A support system to tell us that we are enough, that we are beautiful, and that we are cared about and loved.

Support yourself

I have been struggling lately feeling those things and my support system is limited. So, right now, I am working on supporting myself by using the care and love of my friends. Because ultimately, we also need to support ourselves. We need to believe in ourselves. To know that we can make a change in our lives. That we will be okay if something happens.

Do you have all the support you need?

With great warmth,

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