Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Just Beginning My New Chapter in Life

It only takes a second to change your life. The end of a relationship. Loss of a loved one. The departure of a special friend. This person, that has spent time in your life to help you, love you, grow with you is no longer in your life. Through some time to process the loss, when the sun comes up that next day, how will you view the next phase of your life? Hopefully, as the beginning of a new chapter.

Time stops for nothing

Every night, the moon will rise, even if we do not see it. And every day, the sun will rise to bring new light. The clocks continue to tick by. Birds continue to chirp, flying high in the sky. Each day the minutes move along, not stopping for our heartbreak. Nothing stops the time for us to heal. But that is okay. Coping with loss of someone from your life is processed differently for everyone. The one thing that doesn’t, is knowing that your life will continue.

If you are someone that has lost a special person from your life in some way, you already know that there will come a time in your grieving period that you will look upon the day and be able to answer one question…one day, or day one? Will it be one day, I will do this? Or will it be, today is day one and I will go do this?

New Chapter

I was speaking with my mom recently, just a few days after my dad passed away. She came across a question asked on Facebook. The question read, “What would you title this chapter in your life?” I waited to hear what she would say. Her true love of 53 years just passed and for the first time in her life she would be on her own. But I was surprised. Instead of focusing on the grief and fear of being on her own, she answered without hesitation, “A new beginning”. And that was when I knew she would be okay.

It is okay

Life is scary. No one would dare to debate that. Having a person in your life that is a constant, a companion, a love, a friend that suddenly disappears is scary. Quickly, your life has changed, and you feel like you are lost, that your world is spinning. All of a sudden, you do not know what to do. And that is okay. Because it is okay to not be okay…for a little while. You will know in your heart when it is time for you to choose. When it is time to say that life wont stop for me, so I need to get up and do something. To take a few minutes to figure out something you want to do. Because it is your time now.

Be Proud

When you do find yourself ready, just remember one big thing…your loved one, your friend, that special person in your life would be so proud of you right now. I know this, because for all of you that are finding your time now, to get up and start making this new chapter your life a good one… I am proud of you. When you are ready to start your new beginning, it will be great, because of you. Find your voice, your passion, your drive. Ultimately, find you again.

With great warmth,­

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