Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

It takes only one second to change life

You are sitting there reading this and in this very second, someone’s life has changed forever. We have all heard the phrases, “life is short” and “life can change in an instant”. So many times, we are told to live life to the fullest, to call your family before it is too late, and don’t worry the small stuff because life is too short to waste. Let me ask you, how many of you follow these suggestions? Do you call and visit family you as much as you can, or has it been “maybe” once or twice a year? How many of you are walking out your front door with little to no worry because it is not worth it?

Instant Changes

I have been faced with an event for the last 8 months that has turned my life upside down. I have a loved one losing their fight with cancer. It was a shock when we got the first diagnosis, and now we are looking at a future without them. I have to admit that it is this event that has opened my eyes to the “life is too short” idea. Because there was one day when this person was full of life and happy. Right now, they are sleeping most the day away. One day, I will be left with my memories.

As kids, we see friends, family, or parents in our life. We have no care in the world. Unfortunately, too many families are changed forever, because of one second that altered their lives. The news is covered with stories of a parent not making it home, children that go missing, and many more. That second of time just became someone’s worst memory.

Stepping out

Life is short. We wake up and take that step out of our front door every day. Putting our lives in jeopardy in traffic, walking on the sidewalk, even riding our bikes to school or work. And there is nothing we can do about it. What can we do? Live our life.

If No Tomorrow

If someone asked you, “if you know you will die tomorrow, what would you do today?” There will be people saying, “I would say screw everyone and do what I want.” Then others may say, “I would spend as much time as I could with my family.” Here’s the thing, they are not bad ideas. But let’s take this a step further.

Is there something in your life that you had always wished you did? Accomplished something you haven’t, tried something that may have scared you, or just experienced something new? What has held you back? Sure, finances can hold you back. What else? You’re scared, no one to go with, could get hurt. Although these are good reasons, but would they still be as strong if you knew today was your last day on earth? Would they matter as much if there was no other chance to do them?

No Regrets

Life is short. And life is precious. Is your life worth the struggle, pain, stress, and sadness you are going through? Am I suggesting giving up everything and do whatever you want? No. I am suggesting that your wishes, hopes, dreams can be achieved if we start realizing that we may not have a tomorrow. Someone had told me that they wanted to focus on areas in their life because they didn’t want to be on their death bed with regrets. That is not the right way to look at this.

I do not have regrets in my life. I have times in my life that were not perfect. Those times molded me to be the person I am today. Did I make some wrong choices in life? Yes. Do I regret any? No. Because even in the hardest times, I had areas of happiness. I had times that taught me who I could count on, and it also taught me what I could do myself. Those hard times showed me that in my weakest, I was at my strongest, because I am still here today.

It’s Our Life

I now look at my life as MY life. My life is what I want it to be. If I want to experience a challenge, I will find a way to do so. Maybe I want to be someone that helps others, then I will go after it. If I want to be happy; I need to find what doesn’t and make some changes. My new mantra, “take back me.” This is my life. It could last another 45-plus years (I hope) or it could last another 45 minutes. So, I want to live my life. As long as I keep it as my life, it will become the best life for me. Even with challenges, hurdles, and curveballs thrown at me, I will remember that I was strong before and I am strong now. I have made it through tough times before by placing one foot in front of the other. I can do it again. Life is short and I want to make the most of it.

With great warmth,

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