Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

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We are much more than Mars and Venus

Everyone deals with some form of mental health in their life. Whether you are healing from a childhood trauma, experienced a life-altering event and now working through PTSD, or your everyday life has become so stressful that you are working through burnout. Every person processes their mental health differently. There is no bigger difference than how men process their stress and mental wellbeing than a woman does. And if you have read the book by John Gray, Ph.D., “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” you will understand that it is not just one or the other anymore. Men …

How social is social media?

It seems like you are not someone unless you are on some form of social media. And it is like a new platform is developed every year. Facebook (or Meta), Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, and I am sure there are many more. How many times have you heard comments and commercials like “you can easily find us on Facebook at…” or “come interact with your favorite star on Instagram!” The internet seems to become the place to find your favorites. But how social is social media? Social Media on My Mental Health As many know I am finishing up my …

Being mentally aware of you

May is Mental Health Awareness month. It should not only be one month that we focus on the mental health of ourselves and those we love. Mental Health is a daily lifestyle and should be considered and acknowledged every day. To be aware of yourself and your thoughts. What about you? When was the last time you took a minute to sit back and consider yourself and your surroundings? Is it difficult to find enjoyment in some of the smaller things in life? Are your days bright and sunny or gloomy and gray? When you are in a room full …