Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 1 - 10 of 14 Articles

Now In Pursuit of My Personal Independence Day

Today in America, it is a holiday. We are celebrating the 4th of July also known as Independence Day. And as families and friends gather today to spend time together, many of us are still fighting. Independence Day celebrates the freedom we have to live our lives. But too many of us are still trapped. I am not talking about physically trapped or fighting with weapons or our hands. We are fighting ourselves. Trapped in our minds trying to get a moment of freedom to live. Trapped If you have experienced anxiety or depression, you may have felt trapped by …

It’s a New Day, New Week, New Month, New Year!

In just a few days, the year of 2023 will come to an end and 2024 will begin. This is the time when people start reflecting on the past year, or the past couple of years, trying to set some goals or aspirations for the next year. The ugly term of “resolutions” will be tossed around like confetti in many conversations. But for me, I have a different outlook. I plan on setting ambitions, dreams, and desires. For the past 2 years I have been working on me and in 2024, I have a new day, a new week, a …

Wishing you a special Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring…just the thousands of thoughts in my head. Many people around the world will be celebrating the holiday of Christmas this weekend. Whether you have family and friends coming to you, or you will be traveling to see them, Christmas is a time of magic and togetherness. With every event, the good always has some struggle with it. So many of us will be faced with frustrations, hurt, loneliness, and exhaustion. In all of the hurry, remember to take a little time for you. True feeling …

Tis the holiday to reach out

It is that time of the year. The season of holidays, celebrations, remembrance, and being together. Personally, it is my favorite time of the year. But it is also one of my most difficult times of the year. With all of the prep, planning, coordinating, decorating, and expectations, the time becomes more daunting than joyful. And for far too many, this is a very lonely time of year as well. Lost loved ones, not having friends and family nearby, or have not found the special person yet. Then there are the few of us that have everyone around us and …

What are you grateful for?

Today we are celebrating Thanksgiving here in the United States. I was talking to my son this morning about the day and when I told him that Thanksgiving is about mental health, he was ready to argue with me. Yes, I know the history behind Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims and all of that. But hear me out. Today at dinner we went around the table and said what we were grateful for. It is at that time we identify the pieces in our life that bring elements of positivity. Think about it. What are you grateful for? Grateful For Family …

Tis the season to be worried

Tis the season to be jolly. Well, more like tis the season to be anxious, worried, happy, and peaceful. As we are getting closer to the Christmas holiday and so many cultural and religious holidays throughout the next weeks, this is the time that we think about our family and friends. The pressure of finding the right gift, scheduling the dinners and parties, traveling between homes to make sure everyone is visited. The winter holidays are meant to be a time to sit back and enjoy your family. Instead, there are so many of us that are running around, barely …

Always thankful for another day!

The holiday season is coming fast. Almost seems faster each year. Today we are celebrating Thanksgiving here in the US. Everyone is talking about all they are thankful for. Roofs over their heads. Food on the table. Money in the account. Friends and family that we love. Thankful for our health. Every year trying to teach our kids about being thankful for what they have instead of focusing on the objects they don’t. Thankful for… Let me ask you something. Have you ever been thankful for your mental health? Thankful for making it through another day to see the sunshine? …

What are your New Year’s Inspirations

It is the new year, a chance to re-evaluate things in your life. Maybe set some goals in your personal life, romantic life (or lack of), and for some a chance to try to be better. But instead of the resolutions that we all make and tend to break within the first 24 hours, maybe we should call them inspirations. To inspire to be better. Inspire a personal life full of happiness. Or inspire to work on having and improving your romantic life. Inspire for Health For so many years prior, when I was heavier in weight, I would always …

It is that time of year to be celebrate you

It is just two days away from the Christmas holiday here. A time filled with family and friends. Sending love to loved ones we have not seen or spoken to for so long. Some of us may be adding extra volunteering time so help the too many in our world that do not have enough food on the table. Or we are the many missing loved ones that cannot join us for the holiday and those that have passed on too early in life. Stressful time The holidays can also be a very stressful time. For me, I was juggling …

Thankful for today, for you.

Today in the US, we are celebrating Thanksgiving. It is a time to reflect on what you are thankful for in your life. But for me, these last few years have been a roller coaster ride. It has left me thankful for so little and so much. The last few years have taught me that in a moments notice, your life can change. The life you have been living for so many years, is no longer and now you have a new reality. And it is not just your life that is impacted. Thankful for now So, this year, I …