Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

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How to spot a bully

Unfortunately, in today’s world, bullying is still evident. This past week, my son was a victim of bullying by a few kids at his school. When he told me about it, I immediately sent a message to the principal stating the situation. I then sat my son down to discuss the event and some of the steps he can take to fight back against bullying, well that don’t involve fists. The school addressed the issue and assured both myself and my son that there should be no further incidents. This whole scenario had me thinking about how bullying is not …

School is back in session once again

It is that time of the year when school is back in session. Some schools have been going for a month already while there are some beginning in a week or two. We parents are eager for our little ones to get back out there to learn new things and meet new friends. Those starting new schools and those starting college have the added excitement of new facilities, teachers, and for some to be away from the family. School time of fun School is supposed to be exciting, and maybe it once was. But today, going to school is beginning …

Is my kid being bullied?

Being Bullied or Being the Bully Too Many Questions, Very Little Answers I spoke last week about what is a bully. That a bully comes in different sizes and shapes. They can be in your face or online. But when you go home and your child seems quieter than usual, or worse angrier, what do you do? What are we as parents to do if our child is being bullied by other kids? What are we to do if our child has become one that has bullied other children? This is a fear that so many parents have today. A …

What really is a bully?

Ever have that one kid in your class that would tease others? Did you have that one child that would threaten others all the time? Or how about now, do you have a coworker or boss using their authority to make you do work that is wrong, threatening to fire you if you don’t? Is there a family member harassing you, saying they will tell on you or expose something you did if you didn’t do something for them? Shapes & Sizes of a Bully Bullies can come in all kinds of shapes, sizes, and ages. Unfortunately for today’s society, …


It feels like a dirty word sometimes. Change. One single word with such a powerful meaning that gives everyone such stress. “To change, or not to change. That is the question!” Last week in my post Want to Take a Drive Through Change I talked about making a change in my life as I realized that I was not as happy as I wanted to be. There was an underlying message, though. No change comes without a choice. Even not changing is a choice. No change will occur unless you, and only you choose to want a change. “I should …