Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Do you know what you want?

How many of you get asked what you want to eat and cannot answer the simple question? Almost like it has all this power and you are terrified of making the wrong decision. Or maybe you are like me, and you like so many different things so you might as well let the other person choose their favorite. That way you don’t have to make the decision at all. But this is just food. What about your life? Do you know what you want out of your life? What about your job? What is important to you?

Who’s Story

So many people today are going through life settling for jobs, maintaining friendships, and being around people when, in reality, it is not healthy for them. Jobs and companies that expect employees to be available at any time of the day and week. Bosses that say you have authority to do things, only to override your every decision. And friends that use your generosity to their own gain. Seeing that you are willing to help, only to exploit the attention. Is this what you want?

Don’t Want

I spent most of my life giving to others, my attention and my life. It completely drained me. Left me a shell of a person that no longer understood what she was about. I came across a message on social media that someone wrote about how they were in a situation with a loved one and at that time, trying to figure out how they got into this situation. The situation that they were being mistreated by this other person. It is very common for people to wonder, what did they do or not do that brought them to this point in their lives.

Wanting Attention

I have talked about this before. Even asked myself why I would attach to anyone that showed any slight attention. I attached and made them to be something so special and I couldn’t live without. This led me to getting hurt many times. Let down by actions or words that disappointed me. I couldn’t understand the deep need to talk to them every day. If I couldn’t, I could find myself in a depression. This had also led me to almost lose some very important people. Why was I like this?


I am 47 years old now. And for the last 3 years, I have been pushing myself to discover who I really am. Part of that is knowing what I want in my life. This means, what do I want in my friends. What kind of people will I associate with. In my love life, what do I want in my partner? Who am I to them and who are they to me? For work, what kind of career do I want? Is it only about money or making a difference? We don’t always know what we want right now. But that is where we need to discover for ourselves. To really grow as a person, we need to know what we are willing to live with and what we are not. Who we want to be in our lives to make it better and who can step to the side. However, we don’t need to figure all of this out right now.

Figure out what you want

I had a friend once tell me that I needed to figure out who I was. What made me tick. They had brought it down to the basics. Like, what colors made them feel better. Were they more into sweet foods or savory foods? They even figured out if there was a way to sleep that made them feel better. So, I offer you this. Ask yourself, “what do I want?” Start with food. If you saw a plate of savory meats and vegetables and then a plate with a sweet dessert, which one would you want to try first? Do you love chocolate or fruits? Then go on to other areas of your life. Before you know it, you will start to see areas of your life that you have compromised. Maybe a little too much. Is that what you really want?

Fight for it

When you start looking at your life and what you really want out of it, you may start to find areas that need some changing. Areas that you may not have realized before. Learning to want again, to discovering what you like again, can open some doors. It can bring a sense of personalization into your life. A feeling of being alive again. Because once you find it, you fight for it. You crave it because it feels good. Discover you. Find what you want in your life. And then FIGHT FOR IT.

Enjoy this video.

With great warmth,

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