Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Why You Need To Find Your Own Way Out

Ever have one of those days where you feel like hiding away? Nothing seems to be going right. It feels as if everyone is always needing you. Like the world is swarming around you. I know I have. Lately, it feels like I am drowning in the middle of the ocean and there is not one single person around to help. Trying to find a job and a career path that I enjoy, family life, and my own personal struggle, is gaining on me and I cannot find a way out.

A regular day

When you have a young child like mine, their world revolves around their parents. My son wants to be around me. All the time. Now picture me coming home from an extremely stressful day at work and I am faced with my child wanting to be around me. Suddenly, I go from professional on the job to Mom, friend, playmate, and cook in one second. The stress from the office is still weighing on me. Now add in the role of wife, housekeeper, secretary, and doctor. Before you know it, the stress from the office has the stress from taking care of the family on top of it.

There are times when I do not have time to myself until late at night when everyone else is asleep. And unfortunately, there are times when I don’t even get that. I may get so exhausted from the day that I fall asleep first. Days turn into weeks without an outlet to release the day’s stress. Those weeks could turn into months. That strain just continues to build up on our minds and our bodies.

A way out

I have heard people suggest an hour a day. Some have told me that even 30 mins a day may help. That is the time to step away from the stress of our lives to recenter. I have friends that will take the 1st hour after walking into their home and lock themselves in their bedroom to release the day. Some have found a hobby or sport that they enjoy and spend a little time playing golf to release. It is an outlet. That outlet to let go of the negativity and allow them to face the rest of the world. It is their way out.

So, when I get home and I am faced with dinner requests, asking for help on homework, needing help on someone’s project, or the child asking for a little play time with me, my way out fades away. When I started my master’s program, they once asked me to list out my regular routine and schedule for one entire week. I was faced with the realization that I had no free time. I had no way out.

Fight for your outlet

What is your way out? When was the last time you stepped away from your regular routine and just sat down for 30 mins? Have you ever locked yourself in your room to have a sanctuary space for one hour? Life comes at us hard. Our jobs, schooling, relationships, family, friendships, and our own health can build on the tension we hold every day. Without a way out, whether it is daily or weekly, that tension will just get stronger. Until you start to feel like you are drowning.

One last thing, you really should push for your outlet. No one will give it to you without some fight back. Stick to your guns and demand your time. For me, writing has become an outlet. The issue comes in finding the environment I need to write. I need a quiet, comfortable space that is free from disruption. Having a child that just wants to be in the room with you does not give me the environment I need. He may not understand right now, but I need to fight for it. I cannot write my blogs you all enjoy each week with someone in the room. So, find your way out. Your outlet to recenter, release, and refresh your mind. We all deserve that!

Enjoy these videos.

With great warmth,

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