Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

How to breathe in from the day

We are coming to the end of September. The focus on suicide prevention stepping to the side…for now. But, with all the talk and ads of suicide, PTSD, depression, and more, I want to turn today into a positive view. A chance to see some more pleasant and happier thoughts. To breathe from the day’s events.

Weighing Down

I have been struggling with many areas of my life that have weighed on me. Family, friends, work, school, and personal. Strain and stress piling up that there were times I just wanted to shut down from the world. Turn my mind off, step away from it all. A chance to leave it all behind for a time. To not think, feel, worry, or care for a short time. Don’t worry, didn’t do it…yet.

I started thinking about all of this in my life and realized I didn’t have much in a way of positivity and happiness to focus on. Something that can help me get through this time in my life. What could I do, see, and enjoy that will help me through my struggles? Do you have something in your life that helps you to escape for a time?


A stitch here, a music note there. Hobbies are forms of activities we enjoy in life. A chance to absorb ourselves into something, where our mind is tuned only to this “thing” and the world fades away. Music, art, sewing or quilting, and any other creative activity are common hobbies in the world.

Think of something you enjoy doing. For me, it became my writing and reading. But for a while, before my son was born, I made jewelry. I could spend hours working wires and gems into a piece that I would be happy with. Earrings, necklaces, hairclips, even bookmarks were common gifts from me to my family and friends. When my son was born, I didn’t have the time anymore to play with my collections. So, for the last 7 years, it has been boxed up in storage.

The problem I face is the time to enjoy my hobby of writing. This is one of the reasons I started this blog. A chance to step away and write about life and turn my mind off from all the other events in my life for a time. This will give me at least a good 2 hours of solitude time to myself once a week.



When I talk about sports, I do not want to include the school and pro level sports. Those become more of another event in life and a job adding strain to your life. You may love playing each time but think of the pressure you are under to make sure you are good enough for the team or good enough to win. I want to focus on the sports that you call up your buddies for an afternoon out in the nearest field or gym for a few hours of goodtime jabbing and rough housing. A time to release the stress of the day with your friends.

This kind of game gives you a chance to break away from the day, laugh with the buddies, and just chat about life. There is no pressure of being the best (that is unless you are the ones that like to place a friendly “wager” on that day’s game 😊) A chance to hang out with friends that you may not see often and keep in contact. Friends that you are close with and know will have you back when you need it.


Oh, if we could have one every week! A night to get together with a group of friends at dinner or a club. To be able to let go of the stress holding you back and be able to laugh or dance it all away. Again, this is a chance to be with friends that you trust and enjoy the time. Away from the thoughts, pressure, deadlines plaguing your every minute. Going to a club where the music can carry away the weight for a time.

Breathing in Peace

Peace is precious in life these days. Given a chance for a weekend away, an opportunity to go “off grid” for a while, even a vacation to block it all out. These are just some of the ways we can give ourselves the break to turn our mind off. A way to block the world for just a minute so we can breathe. The world doesn’t stop turning. Minutes will continue to tick by. The pain and stress will not magically go away. But giving ourselves a chance to come up for air from life is a step in the right direction.

You have the weight of the world on your shoulders, do you have something that gives you the air you need? None of these I mentioned above are easy either. They take money, spare time, and resources not all of us have available. Did you know that a walk in the neighborhood park is just as good? Maybe just sitting on your couch, turning on your favorite music and closing your eyes for 30 minutes. Reading a book, writing poems or stories, cleaning, or cooking. These are all chances to break away. Find your peace. All it takes is 30 mins, 1-hour, or any amount of time you have available. Just find your air and breathe.

With greatest warmth,

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