Exploring the fabric of our stories one character at a time.

Showing: 1 - 10 of 51 Articles

Star light, star bright, do not burn out tonight

There are days that I can laugh and joke with my friends. And then there are days that I want to hide away from the world. What gets me through my dark days are pieces of memories that I hold tight. Comments from friends. Reactions from family. Simple actions from loved ones. Every day I fight, and I choose to see life in a lighter form. Each day I push to not let life and stress tear me down. I have seen what my life looked like at the bottom. And I refuse to let my star shine burnout. Memories …

Tiredly Racing to Burn Out

Sometimes life just doesn’t go your way. Earlier this month I was feeling good. Things were going the right way I was feeling happier. I was feeling proud of myself and powerful. But things suddenly changed. Now lately, I feel overwhelmed. Days start to blend together. Just walking around on autopilot. How could my good feelings just disappear? Why can’t I just be happy? Just feel so tired and burned out. Identifying A friend reached out to me, checking to see how I was doing. I had also reached out to my therapist about this feeling. I was worried that …

What really is the true cause and affect

I am sitting here listening to the thunder outside wondering to myself, why can’t I just “flip a switch” inside of me and be happy for once? There are days that I just don’t want to be around anyone. Like it would feel so wonderful if I could pause everything in my life just to get a breather. And there are days when feel light and giddy. It is those days I feel powerful and proud. Why can’t I have more of those days? What happened that made me see life so differently? If this is my effect, what was …

Do you know what you want?

How many of you get asked what you want to eat and cannot answer the simple question? Almost like it has all this power and you are terrified of making the wrong decision. Or maybe you are like me, and you like so many different things so you might as well let the other person choose their favorite. That way you don’t have to make the decision at all. But this is just food. What about your life? Do you know what you want out of your life? What about your job? What is important to you? Who’s Story So …

Are you Attached to the Trauma Bond

It wasn’t until recently that I was able to recognize not only what others were putting me through, but my own actions were holding me there. Part of any healing process is not only understanding what brought you to your mind frame now, but also to understand what your own actions are doing in holding you there. In many cases of depression and anxiety, a bond is formed to unhealthy situations and people. The person attaches to something that they experienced some form pleasure and happiness from. The problem is that this attachment is toxic and holds them down from …

Learning how to Understand who am I

As we all grow up from our childhood, we are excited with new independence and the desire to do more in life. It is typically around the 20’s and 30’s years of age that we are trying to figure out what we want to do with our lives. (For some of us, it takes a little longer.) Trying to determine what career path, loves and likes in relationships, and style of our personality. It is an ever-growing process as we get older and move through life. But for me, it is a struggle. Because, as I get closer to my …

Can technology help them?

If you are in your 40’s or older, you remember a world without computers. Growing up with playing outside all of the time. Sharing one phone with your family. If you wanted talk to someone, you had to actually talk to them, or hand write a letter. It was the actions of your friends and family that proved to you their feelings for you. But this is not that world anymore. When computers and the internet were started, I don’t believe they had any idea as to how much they changed the world. Because now the younger generations are suffering …

Surviving Motherhood One Meltdown at a Time

They are little bodies of energy. Curious minds full of questions about everything. Testing limits and seeing no barriers. We were once these creatures. And many of us have our own set of little beings. These creatures are our children. So young and pure. Simple minds trying to figure out how the world is made. So how can someone so young be faced with mental health issues? We as adults have a hard enough time. How can we help our children? The Age When I went online to research the youngest mental health case, the number of sites that came …

It is in the understanding of the beholder

I had an interesting conversation with my mom recently. We talk just about every day. Most of the time it is on my way home from work to help me get through the long commute home. A chance to wind down from the day, bounce ideas off of her, and ultimately, a chance to vent about some of the things going on in my life. This latest conversation reminded me that there are many people in the world that do not understand what some of us live through each day. And that, right there, is why so many of us …

Can you take the wheel of control in your life

What is one thing you think about when you hear the word “control”? Are you picturing a video game controller? Or maybe you remember a song with that title? You may be thinking about something or someone powerful. Because for most of us, having control is power. We all have some control in life. Just we only with certain things. It is when we are faced with something we cannot control, that is the struggle. The Power First and foremost, we have control over ourselves. Well…kind of. In situations, we can control what we have, what we do, and how …